Names of the Hayabusa

Sometimes my wife refers to it as "that god*&%# bike!!!"
my wife has called it a number of times "that STUPID bike"
Iv'e heard hoi yu buza too many times the girl worked at a honda shop and swore that was the correct way to say it.
yeah my buddy with the 1000RR rode mine. he got on, went to the end of the street, turned around, came back, tossed me the keys and said "no fuggin way man"
My dad's got a BMW and he wanted to take my bike for a ride just to see what it was like (Avatar Pic) and he came back with nothing to say but the "no way Jose! Whoa!" look.

Sometimes the look says it all!
yeah my buddy with the 1000RR rode mine.  he got on, went to the end of the street, turned around, came back, tossed me the keys and said "no fuggin way man"
its weird iddinit i dont feel its ALL THAT but i gueass were just use too it. i did rid my buddys r1 and i felt like i was on a 600

but when i get it out of the shop w/ the big bore
i will HOPFULLY feel what they did
A friend of mine once called it a "Death Bike". He rides an Intruder 800. 0-60 in 15 sec is fast for him. He can't even fathom 0-60 in less than 4 sec. He found out real quick what my Busa looks like from the back.
When I had a turbo my plate was BOOSTA . I have gone to nitrus so NOSBUSS sounds good.I will score that plate next week.
A guy in Gulfport at the cruisin the coast event told me I was riding "DEATH on TWO WHEELS". And then A guy at the local Wendy's called me "Rocket Man".