Names of the Hayabusa

my better half has a command of the english language second to none... some of the honest efforts to use the correct name have resulted in a list of creations... she really does try


She has a list of em to keep me in stitches on a bad day... god bless her she tries but only 1 in 10 comes out correct...
I saw one for sale & the ad said,"High Booster"
ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTA people call it that and i dont know why. I guess its like "lab top" computer and "rockwilder" dogs lol.
I lived in Japan for 4 and 1/2 years and am fluent in Japanese. The correct pronunciation is
Ha-Ya-Bu-Sa but even in Japanese when you say the Ha-Ya part fast it sounds a lot like Hi-a-busa. No matter how you say it or what your nickname may be, it is always music to my ears and a sight to see.
I just call it the busa or hayabusa. Now, quick quiz. Who here knows what it means, and why it was nammed that? BusaJim, you're not allowed to answer! Lol. Having lived in Japan for 4 and 1/2 years and being fluent in japanese, I'm pretty sure you're fully aware of the meaning. Haha.
Peregrine Falcon.  Dives at, coincidentally enough, about 185 mph on its prey.
Its prey being the common Blackbird. Dont know if its coincidence about the name, but at the time, the Honda blackbird was the fastest Production Motorcycle. So I guess it signified that the Blackbird was toast