~~~   Palm Island   ~~~

VA if you move there, you will probably have the first Busa with knobby tires
I just wish I could afford to move there...hell, to stay at that 7-STAR hotel would be nice!!!  Probably cost more than my house is worth for a single night!

NJ, you need to hook up the Busa gang!!!  Party in Dubai!!!!  
I got SLAMMED while I was editing
Friggin cable modem!!
VA if you move there, you will probably have the first Busa with knobby tires
I just wish I could afford to move there...hell, to stay at that 7-STAR hotel would be nice!!!  Probably cost more than my house is worth for a single night!

NJ, you need to hook up the Busa gang!!!  Party in Dubai!!!!  
I got SLAMMED while I was editing
Friggin cable modem!!
modems suck...

That's why I wasn't online from home much...

VA if you move to one of those islands, you will need knobbies for the Busa!

That's pretty cool! One of the guys on my salt water forum worked there a few years ago building one of them. I'll see if I can find more info.
Many Busa's here, but she would have the only one wit this paint scheme!

VA if you move there, you will probably have the first Busa with knobby tires
I just wish I could afford to move there...hell, to stay at that 7-STAR hotel would be nice!!!  Probably cost more than my house is worth for a single night!

NJ, you need to hook up the Busa gang!!!  Party in Dubai!!!!  
After doing a knife show at the Four Seasons in LV last year, I can't imagine what a 7 star hotel would be like!! Maybe that hotel would sponsor a forum raffle for us

Most of the properties youre speaking of are sold way before they've even started construction!
I got Amsterdam.
Are you serious?!  Or just wishing?  
Just wishing VB. Maybe we could collect money and buy one for the .org
Damn, I was going to become your new best friend...


Here's how I'll be able to afford living in Dubai...nice, huh?

VA if you move to one of those islands, you will need knobbies for the Busa!  

That's pretty cool! One of the guys on my salt water forum worked there a few years ago building one of them. I'll see if I can find more info.
Many Busa's here, but she would have the only one wit this paint scheme!
Damn it Tony...you're the #1 offender here...YOU keep posting that pic up!!!


Damn bike looks like Pepto Bismol! Bleck...
at both of VB's last posts.

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The only seven star hotel in the world!...
They showed this place on the show too...just beautiful!!!

Wonder what I can get for two great kids on Ebay?  
Mommy needs a vacation!!!
VA, Let me know when you and the hubby can take some time off, I prolly got enough miles accumulated to get you both tickets, If not,I'll help you out.You can even ride Carmen!
Now THAT'S one helluva offer!!! Shhhh, don't let the "others" know, okay...

Man, I wish...that show just made me want to go there, and before that show, I'd never even heard of Dubai...just knew it was your neck of the woods...
VA,To be sure, it IS a different country with a different culture.But you will not find nicer people anywhere in the world! Dubai is very Western oriented and pretty much wide open, you'd enjoy it I think,I dont like big cities,I only go there to peruse the bike shops.Tony.:)

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I wanna go... just formulated a plan here... win the 200 million dollar lottery here and buy myself New Mexico just off Dubai...
Lots of great places over there! Had the pleasure of seeing some of them, but not all. Amazing that with all the turmoil going on in that part of the world that there is such a thriving tourism business. Like Tony said, the people are quite nice, can make about anything you want and don't charge an arm and a leg to do it. Well, maybe an arm!