~~~   Palm Island   ~~~

been there 4x going in and out of Baghdad! Place is sweet! Love the beaches but a little salty. And I didn't see not 1 Busa!

The only seven star hotel in the world!...
They showed this place on the show too...just beautiful!!!

Wonder what I can get for two great kids on Ebay?  
Mommy needs a vacation!!!
VA, Let me know when you and the hubby can take some time off, I prolly got enough miles accumulated to get you both tickets, If not,I'll help you out.You can even ride Carmen!
Wanna get me the tickets for my dream Hawaii honeymoon...or dream Dubai honeymoon?
The Prince seems like a smart dude. I heard his country will run out of oil in a few years, so he's investing in his coutry so it won't become poor.