I know you weren't asking for anything,I was simply applauding the manner in which you were handling this.Thats all.I'm not asking you to do anything, RSD. I'm just hoping that folks will read this thread and not deal with him. He could post all day for all I care as long as it was in accordance with the board's rules.The Org wont take sides,and wont ban members because other members are upset with them. I get emails and PM's all the time from members bothered by the conduct of others.BTW, what was his boardname?This way we could get all his vital info and ban him from the site so that noone else gets shafted.![]()
Board members here,like it or not,get chance after chance.Unless a person is violating the rules of the board,I wont take a stand. I've tried to do "the right thing" in the past,but it ends up becoming too personal and a big ugly keyboard fight ensues.
It seems to be irrelevant what a member might have done,there will always be sides taken,and sometimes those sides are chosen based on emotion,geographic location of members,ancient history,etc, as opposed to fact.So we as the admin/mod team shy away from these type of situations.
My main goal is to provide a board that is good for the everyone. A professional approach is the only stand we can logically take.
Members are always free to voice their opinions in a clear concise mature manner as BigBSbusa has done here.
We have tried several "goodguy" threads.Those end up in argument.Some members want names removed from the list.Some members want to add folks with,shall we say,less than acceptable business track records.
Unfortunately,the world seems to be knee deep in folks with less enviable character.It's absolutely imposible to make a clear distinction that wont offend someone.
Good luck with your hunt. Rubbah.
Things are easily misinturprated. I was just sending out a message to all the good board folks on how things can be handled in a proffesional manner (in an' attempt to always have the board moving in a positive direction).
This is one of the reasons why I dont post as much as I used to.
Have a good 1...Rubb.