Solarbarack a little messed up!!!

Wow, hope he heals up quickly. That's an awful thing to happen and even worse not remember how it happened.
Thanks everyone. It was a very long night.... went to work today jaw hurts like hell. kinda reminds me of one of those hangover movies, but nut quite so funny in person.:whistle:
I remember when I drank my first beer, No wait I dont remember.. aaahhhhh I'm so confused:) Glad you're ok Bro...
Thanks everyone. It was a very long night.... went to work today jaw hurts like hell. kinda reminds me of one of those hangover movies, but nut quite so funny in person.:whistle:

Duuuude! Welcome back bro, hope ya heal up soon man we'd love to see you sometime in the future bro!:thumbsup:
Well at least he hit whatever when he was loaded. The painkilling aspect as well as the relaxation he must have felt probably saved him some addtl injuries. I've known folks who were DUI and bounced off trees at 80 and the dr told him if he had been sober he may have tensed up before impact and broken more things. This is why drunk drivers so often walk away from horrible accidents.

I'm glad to see him post and hear that he is on the way to recovery.