Need a new chain --ZZZ 530 discontinued ?

Hate to sound like a broken record but came across this for the ZVX3. Apparently they do not make one to fit my Z3D. If the inner plates are the same width on the ZVX3 and the Z3D, this ought to fit either one. I asked that on "Reviews and Questions" of this ad.

Got an email reply from Revzilla. It was their opinion that mixing a master link with a chain it was not specifically designed to go on was not a good idea. The plates might be different thicknesses a/o tensil strengths. Makes sense I guess.

EK doesn't make a screw type master link specifically for the Z3D so I have to do this the old school way with a chain riveting tool. I have only joined one chain in my life and that one had spacer plates and a rivet diameter gauge included. It was impossible to over-tighten the rivet. Like a bonehead, I threw the spacers and gauge out after installing the chain.

Without those tools, how will I know how hard to press a rivet so that it will neither be so loose it comes apart nor so tight that it articulates stiffly? I am reading "at least 20 thousandths". That is, rivet enlarges 20/1000 inch right?
Found the Z3D master link at Revzilla and went ahead and ordered 3 incase I screw this up twice. Looking at my chain tool, it appears the jaws for pressing the master link might just prevent over crimping the masterlink even without having the shims EK used to include. We'll see.

Once and for all, here is the verdict on the now superseded ZZZ compares in weight to the Z3D.

These are each 118 pin chains (for my Gen1 ZX-14 with 45T rear), new with master link and o-rings included.



The Z3D is orful durn purdy but as you might expect from the shape of those plates, it's heavier. My guess is that the EK ZVX3 is similar weight to the old ZZZ. I might go with a ZVX3 on the busa...or I might go all out and get a Ti chain :thumbsup:.
Looking at my chain tool, it appears the jaws for pressing the master link might just prevent over crimping the masterlink even without having the shims EK used to include. We'll see.

Yes the EK tool compressed the plates and riveted perfectly without the use of the shims EK used to include with a new chain. I guess that's why they quit including them.

Here's the good and the bad about the EK chain tool. Still on the fence. I might get the DID tool if the EK wears out.
