
Okay, I am in a bit of a pickle. I was at searching for phone numbers for dealerships so I can call and see what they have as far a hayabusas. 73 miles later I finally found a blue and silver but with 500 miles on it! So I called and the guy said "Well, my friend and I went to the races and he was on it because he was going to buy it"
I said "Why didnt he get it?"
"because he broke both of his arms at the race on his four wheeler."
"Sorry about your partner. What are you looking to get out of it?"
"Well, I'm looking to get "$9,412. But it's never been registered so as far as sucuki is concerned it's a new bike."
Bare in mind he is 73 miles away so I cant tell if there's bullsh!t.

1. Does this price seem fair? $9,412
2. If not what should I look for?
3. Should I deal with this guy or do you guys smell bullsh!t?
4. What would you do?

So I tell this guy "I also am looking to get a trade in, what would you guys give me for my 04GSXR600 with 1750 miles thats 100% stock?"
He said after he looked through his "book" that he had. "Well, I'd give ya $5,500 for it."
I said "Only $5,500?"

5. Does this trade in seem fair? $5,500
6. If not what is?

If you think I should or should not deal with this guy here are my other choices in colors:

7. 03 silver/silver (which I think is okay)
8. 04 black/purple (tell me what you guys think of this one)
9. 03 40th anniv. bronz (my second favorite)

I really want a silver and blue but I want you guys to keep me from muckin' up. I trust you guys more than I trust a salesperson I haven't looked in the eye yet!






Well it depends on what you want to do. I would say keep looking and get a BRAND NEW "0-miles" Hayabusa for the same price. $9,200-9,800!

As far as your trade in goes, that is to be expected but his numbers are a tad low but not much. If you bought your 600 for around $7k then $5,5-6 would be about right. Same with cars, you are better off selling it out right to an individual.

I'd say keep looking and sell your bike before you go and deal on a Hayabusa.

what can you work down there on the price of a new one? In MA, I can negotiate a new one for around (9.7- 10k out the door). Is his price for the busa out the door (i.e. includes all setup and prep)?

I ain't a fan of picking up bikes with miles from a dealer in order to save a couple hundred. I would go new. 9400 is full retail list for the 04 busa from the dealer for this bike. Meanwhile he's trying to pick up yours at a discount while getting full retail for his in order to make a nce profit on both sides of the deal. If I was him, that's great. I was u, it's not so good. Pass on the deal unless he comes down on the price of the busa AND comes up on your trade.

My favorite color is black and purple. My second choice ias the red LTD with blacked out frame. If you want used, check the classifieds here, otherwise buy brand new.
also, how did it get 500 miles without getting registered?
the guy did something like a weekend test drive or something. at least thats what the dealer said. maybe I will just go with the black and purple. and could you show me a pic of yours if you have one? also what should I try and get the black and purple for? right now they just have the msrp on it.
I would get the bike with 500 miles on it unless it was a hellofa deal...The 04 Purple/Black is a good looking bike...I would get a new bike 0 miles...If your not in a hurry you can probably get a better deal at the end of the season...But you still have your current bike to contend with...If you sell it out right you'll get more for it than on a trade...
I would get the bike with 500 miles on it unless it was a hellofa deal...The 04 Purple/Black is a good looking bike...I would get a new bike 0 miles...If your not in a hurry you can probably get a better deal at the end of the season...But you still have your current bike to contend with...If you sell it out right you'll get more for it than on a trade... [/QUOTE]

Good advice...
Ride safe...
Here' my blk/purple on day 1 for me. I would take a better and updated pic now, but my mife is in china with my cameras.
The part of allowing a weekend test drive is bogus. No store would let a bike out the door for a weekend joy ride while assuming full damage and liability coverage. Also, no way they going to put miles on a new bike, which they have to sell if the tester don't buy it.

Buy new and walk on this deal as I said originally.
Retail list on a 04 is $10,899.00 This price if out the door is not bad (if it includes all fees) The dealer is only making about $200.00 on it at the quoted price. Make him do a first service on it and take the trade and run like hell. Even if You feel that He's lowballing You on Your trade Hes still low on the price of the Busa.
as for "what u should get it for" I've no idea how the bike market is in FL. I paid 10k for mine last month out the door (including prep, shipping, and inspection sticker). I also got em to toss in a 200 parts credit.

There's no way I would pay sticker or close to it regardless of where I lived. It's the end of the year and the ball is in your court. I would of knocked my price down some more , but I was anxious to get on it and didn't really sweat paying a couple hundred more.

You can't apply dealer invoice to a used bike and say somethnig is a good deal. Regardless if for warranty and loan purposes the bike is new, it is in fact USED. At that price, he'd be paying full retail for it. Not a good deal at all. The deal is fishy to say the least.

You can't apply dealer invoice to a used bike and say somethnig is a good deal. Regardless if for warranty and loan purposes the bike is new, it is in fact USED. At that price, he'd be paying full retail for it. Not a good deal at all. The deal is fishy to say the least.
Do You expect the dealer to take less than cost for the Bike? Taking a trade against close to invoice pricing is not a normal occurance. If the dealer is willing to do this and the customer dosen't want to deal with selling his trade I'd say run with it. the bike is not used as long as It hasn't been registered. It could be termed a "demo" but it is still being sold as "new" with all of the terms that go along with a "new" sale. As far as the trade in goes "low" book (trade in) on a 03 is $4500.00 So the $5500.00 trade against invoice is fairly reasonable. Bear in mind that tis guy isn't a charity that he's there to sell retail and make a living.
first, thunder don't confuse dealer invoice with "cost."

If he's there to sell retail on year end models-- he won't be making any living. You can pay 300-500 over "invoice" right now most parts of the contry on a new bike with 0 miles. Like I said, the deal smells like dead fish.
first, thunder don't confuse dealer invoice with "cost."

If he's there to sell retail on year end models-- he won't be making any living. You can pay 300-500 over "invoice" right now most parts of the contry on a new bike with 0 miles. Like I said, the deal smells like dead fish.
After 30+ Years in the business I highly Doubt that I'm the one thats confused. Yes You can Buy a zero mile bike after shopping for around for close to that (i did) but what makes the deal viable is the trade issue. Cost/ Invoice is right at $9100.00 on a 04 the dealer still has to put in set up and Frieght. This is not figuring in the SIP (dealer Holdback). Then the Dealer has to floor or pay out of pocket for the trade again costing him money. The trade may not move until next spring. The dealer has to figure that book will go down on the trade as it sits. My point is that with the trade it is not a bad deal. Cash out the door It's marginal. basicly He is getting the bike for close to used High book (if there was one on a 04 yet).
Here is one...

My GF put 2500.00 down and all to hold a '04 RED SE, since was only place that had a RED '04, he ended up selling it to someone who walked in with cash, she got the money back, he was not a suzuki dealer the suzuki dealer here did not have any other than BLACK/PURPLE, thought nice, seeing the RED really looked killer.. So she put it down on it and got shafted, her laywer got the 2500.00 check back and she went 70-80 miles away to get a '04 SE. Pretty shitty.. but this guy lost @70K-120K in the near future my GF wants 2 Choppers with minor customizing on it and particular colors. so prob going a few doors north to the chooper dealer who deals with TEXAS CHOPPERS and ARLAN NESS instead of going with demon choppers...

Maybe should sell your bike outright than to trade it in....

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In my sales career, I've yet to be affiliated with one dealer who actually pays "invoice" for a particular stock item. In your 20 years, are you saying otherwise?

Point being, the dealer can let it go at invoice given the mileage and still make a few bucks. Since your a businessman, the important thing for a bike with miles at THIS time of YEAR is for him/her get it off the floor. He's lucky to get 200 over invoice, given you can pick up with with 0 miles for about that right now. The 500 miles stinks also-- in your twenty years have you let a customer take a 11k hyper sport bike w/ 0 miles for the weekend to try out? I think not.

I'll agree on the comments about the trade..
Metal-- when you put cash down, I'm sure she signed a full P&S agreement. If you incurred any extra cost by them not fullfilling the contract, they are liable legally.

Arlan Ness and his products are a form of legalized robbery
The only thing I can see that You are trying to say is retail Vs dealer Invoice. Dealer invoice is dealer cost + frieght. As I said SIP and Dealer prep don't enter into it. A dealer usually dosen't get his SIP if He dosen't sell a large % of his units. Contrary to popular belife there isn't some secret code where the dealer gets a magic extra 10% off from stated invoice.