So the previous owner of my 08 had the bike set as low as possible. I don't know a whole lot about bike suspension, but I know it should be adjusted for your weight and riding style, not for ride height. It definitely doesn't feel right... it wants to buck me off when I go over a bump. The rear shock spring adjusters are set all the way up to the top of the threads.
I was going to mechanically zero the front and back (as one would for optics on a rifle) but I figure I may as well see if I can find some basic numbers to point me in the right direction.
I'm around 150lbs, ride on twisty roads frequently, and ride rather aggressively... where should I be, roughly, on everything? (X clicks from all the way counterclockwise on the forks, Y inches from the top of the threads on the rear spring adjusters, etc). I know these won't be exact and I'll need to fine tune it, I just want a good starting point.
I was going to mechanically zero the front and back (as one would for optics on a rifle) but I figure I may as well see if I can find some basic numbers to point me in the right direction.
I'm around 150lbs, ride on twisty roads frequently, and ride rather aggressively... where should I be, roughly, on everything? (X clicks from all the way counterclockwise on the forks, Y inches from the top of the threads on the rear spring adjusters, etc). I know these won't be exact and I'll need to fine tune it, I just want a good starting point.