Need some advice

Read and respond, please?

  • Screw her, take him to the strip club anyway.

    Votes: 26 53.1%
  • Don't even have a bachelor party, whats the point?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Have a bachelor party, but no strip clubs

    Votes: 19 38.8%
  • Go to strip club and try to keep her from finding out.

    Votes: 2 4.1%

  • Total voters
Okay, so a friend of mine is getting married in June. Trying to plan out what do do with the bachelor party situation. Normally, its a no brainer....take groom-to-be to strip club, get him blind drunk, and get him lapdances from every stripper in the place.

However, his fiancee, who I am also good friends with, has specifically asked that he NOT get taken to a strip club. Further, ive talked to the groom-to-be in private, and he doesnt mind going. I'm kinda torn here between my loyalties, and lookin for suggestions.

Thanks all.
The "Girls" night out is usually 10 times more raunchy an worse than anything going down at the strip club. Hit the strip club get em drunk an see if he is really ready to give up the good times:rofl:

You a closer friend to the bride......???........ whoops my bad forget the above, take him fishing then to a mini golf place an pat him on the back an wish him goodluck.

Dude strip clubs are so pointless nothing but a big freakin tease and waste of money

You are doing it wrong best for ya to stay out of the strip clubs:lol:
im actually good friends with both of them. I'm leaning towards making sure that he gets to see a strip club before he gets tied down to someone i KNOW will never let him set foot in one.
What she doesn't know wont hurt her, but there were other ideas mentioned here, sounds like fun. She will also have a party, I don't hear anyone saying what she can and cant do.
There's a big difference between "he doesn't mind going" and "he really wants to go"... I would pry into his thoughts a little more - he might not want to go but not want to tell you that... I would leave off the strip club, personally - but then again - I'm one of the "conservative religious types..."
I say have a party but no strip club. Nothing good can come of it and why start the marriage either her being pizzed of him having to hide something. It is not worth it.

I totally agree. Trust is difficult to come by and too easy to lose.

Do a guy's only trip, get tickets to a game or something. Surely there's SOMETHING you can think of that everyone will enjoy without compromising anyone's friendship.

A big plus is being able to retell any mishaps later without trying to remember your lie.
I think it is really up to him. If he would like to go then I say take him. If he believes he would rather not to avoid any regret or mistrust then leave it out. Just for fun I say get a group together and go to a go cart racing track, preferably one that has a concession area that serves beer. I had the most fun racing with my friends through the course after a few beers. Seems childish, but it was a blast. I guess that's what bachelor parties are though--childish. Oh yeah, then we went to several strip clubs.:rulez: I LOVE MONS VENUS:cheerleader:
If he can't go to a strip club, she can't go out and get all giggly drunk with her girlfriends and flirt with every guy in the bar. :rulez:

(One day I am going to lose what little is left of my woman card)

Nah...I was thinking if you can't go to a strip club, take him to Hooters. Tell the girls he is going to get married. They will fix him up right. They may not strip, but they will make him dance, and then come and flirt it up...if they know their business...

Or, tell her that if he can't go the strip club, she has to strip for the group.
I'd say he could prepare himself for marriage and being a true one-woman man.

When a man looks at pornography or goes to strip clubs, he is un-lovingly giving his girlfriend or wife a powerful message: "You are not enough for me."-Ie. "I am not satisfied with looking at and enjoying you alone, I want and desire to look at others too". (not to mention that if his fiance knew the sort of things he was thinking while looking at those girls she would (hopefully) back out before making any vows.

Talk to women sometime, most I've talked to have a healthy desire to be fulfilling for their spouse. Him letting her know how satisfying she is plays a huge role in the relational safety that women need. Which, might I add, they are! It takes some practice and patience and a lot of self control but a man can learn to be satisfied with his wife. (Not to mention, it does wonders for the marriage because they can really be intimate then because fulfillment takes place).

Finally, If you said you wouldn't let him go to the strip club, then honor your commitment! Men make commitments and work hard to keep them, boys don't. It really is the difference between being dependable or not.
I know that may have sounded a bit harsh, so I'll say this as well.

I used to look at pornography myself, and now don't. I no longer feel tied down to a strong and unhealthy desire like I did before. It truly is a freeing feeling, and I know my wife will thank me for it someday. I say what I said because I really do want to help those who are willing to reject it.

It wasn't easy by any means, I'll warn you that. But I honestly believe any one of you has the ability to stop (if you do it). So I apologize if the message seems harsh, I wish it didn't, but I do think it is for the best and cannot in good conscience not say anything, simply because I have personally seen the benefit in so many marriages where there is a lack of pornography.

If you have any other questions about this let me know, and I'll do my best to help where I can.
ANDY stay away from the stripppers
the only strip club around here worth going to is shut down and all the prostitutes (I mean strippers) have been arrested
Two month investigation leads to arrests at adult entertainment club / Your Severe Weather Station, South Bend, Indiana News, Weather, Sports, Notre Dame News, StormTeam 16
Six people face multiple charges after a two-month-long investigation of an adult entertainment club in Edwardsburg.
Cass County Police, along with State Police and the FBI, searched Escape Reality on Daily Road around 9:00 Wednesday night.
Police say they had received complaints of prostitution and drug dealing at the club.
Among the six arrests were five dancers who face charges for lewd conduct, prostitution, delivery of cocaine and delivery of ecstasy.
Additionally, there are allegations of sex crimes occurring at the corporate level. The manager of Escape Reality was among those arrested.
Cass County's Prosecutor Victor Fitz revealed Thursday that in all nine undercover visits over a two month period, police discovered illegal acts taking place.
"There were five dancers that were arrested last evening, and each of them had been employed by Escape Reality," Fitz explained. "The charges ranged for the various individuals from delivery of cocaine, delivery of ecstasy, aiding and abetting and the maintaining of a house of prostitution. Also, charges of prostitution and lewd and lascivious behavior."
The names of those arrested were released Thursday after their arraignments:
Brent Hanson (Manager) - 48, Elkhart
Lauren Coombs - 19, St. Joseph, MI
Erin Dickerson - 23, Sturgis
Melissa Goodman - 24, Elkhart
Vicki McClain - 18, Bristol
Katie McCreary - 22, Mishawaka
Bond is set at $20,000 for the dancers. For the manager, it is $40,000.