Need some advice

My Ex refused to let me get another Busa after my last wreck. So forbid me to get any type of sportbike. I've had motorcycles for the 16 years before I knew her, and I will have them long after. I got another Busa and she hit the road.

Don't sell it because "she is pressuring" you. Sell it if you don't want it anymore. Put it in storage for a while. Get your business going, and get good disability insurance. When your more comfortable get the Busa back out and enjoy it.
You can store it in my garage. I am in Oregon. That way when you come up for "business" you can use it. And I can stare at it and take it out... I mean... Keep it in good running order
Sell the bike in the spring and get a better price. Seems a little high but then again your wife seems a bit high also. :) Good luck. Seriously you can always be hurt on a bike, to say that you won't is foolish. If your wife is really worried about you don't ride for a while, if she is worried about the money take out a big insrance policy since money is not a problem at the moment.
You would be better off putting the stock parts back on. It's a $7000 bike stock or not.

You have some real nice mods (let me know if you sell the rearsets) but the average buyer dosent care how much the mods are worth. All they know is loan value.

I have a 03 and was thinking of selling it to buy a 08. If I do I will sell all my mods first. Then sell or trade the bike 100% stock.
not to be bringing up an old post, but was this ever resolved ? The bike get sold or kept or what ? :poke: ??? :beerchug:
not to be bringing up an old post, but was this ever resolved ? The bike get sold or kept or what ? :poke: ??? :beerchug:

Good question..
I'm wondering if you "caved"?

J/K bud. you do what is right for you. :beerchug:
You kno I love you like a bro man :thumbsup:
Good question..
I'm wondering if you "caved"?

J/K bud. you do what is right for you. :beerchug:
You kno I love you like a bro man :thumbsup:

It is on EBay for $10K including the Handy Electric Lift. Smokin deal if you ask me. Now looking for new sleds. You can still come visit and I will run along behind you :)
Just up your life insurance policy. If something should happen, God forbid, I am sure she would find some comfort in knowing you were still looking out for her and the family. You need to have some fun to for your sanity also. :thumbsup: