Need yer help


Donating Member
After months of replies, and starting topics........blood, sweat, and tears, I'm nearing the elusive 2500 post mark.
Any ideas for what I should call myself.
Please don't be too mean.......I'm pretty fragile. :tounge: :wink:
Wow, almost 2500 posts since April.   :eek:

How about .......................................

needahobbie,   :biggrin:

Just kidding,  :laugh:

Congrats, good luck with the new handle

Ride safe  
How's about the SHEEPANATOR!!!  :biggrin:

Or maybe the BLUEBERRYBUSA...
how about:

Post Freak
Speed Junky
Freakin' Fast
Busa Freak

It is fun helping with the title, but ultimately it is up to you oh great one *bows*. We will trust your judgement and love your new title!

Hey Yeah Monster...Then we'll look like twins... :wink: Just don't forget, I am the good looking one! :eek:
Yes I'm married
Yes I have a job
I have more hobbies than I can count
Freakalicious is just way to cool for the likes of me Lo.
And I see you've heard of the newly past CDN law hey Bullet.........same sex marriages what a fricken joke.
Rev.......qiut it with the sheep shi! will ya yer freakin me out. judgement is terrible that's why I asked for advise. :bounce: :super: :thumbsup: