Never Let Anyone Else Ride Your Busa

I wold not let anyone I currently know ride mine Two reasons. 50 years of riding and i find the Busa both heavier and faster than anything i have owned
I have ridden heavier bikes and faster bike but this is a whole new package to me
It is not a bike for those who have ridden lighter bikes It seems to me to need a different mind set to ride it well
I am still not as confident as i thought i would be by now
It is a whole different animal
sorry about your experience
For me, it's just a toy, it's not something that my life depends on, so there are a select few in my world that I don't think twice about handing the keys to (bikes, cars) and if something happens, I'd really only care that they're OK. It's all just stuff and it can all be replaced.

Having said that, I am not a fan of riding or driving friends' toys, though I have caved to immense peer pressure in recent years with this same select few :laugh: I know they likely feel as I do; it's just stuff. I tell them I can't afford to replace it either, so that's my disclaimer as I pull away...
It is just stuff....



My point is everyone always seems to worried about their "toy" when it is just something you'll never take with you anyway. I'd worry more about the person that was taking it out, if they're OK.

I have trusted friends that I toss the keys to and don't think twice. I handed the keys to my brand new Z to friends in Sept. to go drive on the Dragon, didn't give it a second thought. They are people I know and love and trust. If anything happened to them while driving that car, I'd be worried about them, not the car.

It is just stuff...
My point is everyone always seems to worried about their "toy" when it is just something you'll never take with you anyway. I'd worry more about the person that was taking it out, if they're OK.

I have trusted friends that I toss the keys to and don't think twice. I handed the keys to my brand new Z to friends in Sept. to go drive on the Dragon, didn't give it a second thought. They are people I know and love and trust. If anything happened to them while driving that car, I'd be worried about them, not the car.

It is just stuff...
Exactly my point. That happened at the strip, to a trusted friend. All was made right, he healed up and the bike got fixed.
It's just stuff.
Exactly my point. That happened at the strip, to a trusted friend. All was made right, he healed up and the bike got fixed.
It's just stuff.
Yep, just stuff....I'd hate for someone to be hurt riding my bike so I eliminate that problem and don't let them.
yes...but the money that bought it....isn't just "stuff" only let my brother....and 2 friends ride my bike....cause they ride their own too....and ride good
My point is everyone always seems to worried about their "toy" when it is just something you'll never take with you anyway. I'd worry more about the person that was taking it out, if they're OK.

I have trusted friends that I toss the keys to and don't think twice. I handed the keys to my brand new Z to friends in Sept. to go drive on the Dragon, didn't give it a second thought. They are people I know and love and trust. If anything happened to them while driving that car, I'd be worried about them, not the car.

It is just stuff...
Not just stuff when you invest years & years of thought time part selection and labor creating the perfect machine for your needs. Peoples lives are more important yes but why not avoid unnecessary chances. I would have a 2nd bike for others.
Not just stuff when you invest years & years of thought time part selection and labor creating the perfect machine for your needs. Peoples lives are more important yes but why not avoid unnecessary chances. I would have a 2nd bike for others.
Still just stuff. Not easily replaceable stuff, but still stuff. If it was built, it can be built again.
yes...but the money that bought it....isn't just "stuff" only let my brother....and 2 friends ride my bike....cause they ride their own too....and ride good
My thought is-it is usually some other force that causes problems, sand on the road, a distracted driver, etc, etc...

That's why I am selfish with my bike and am not ashamed to admit it.

I also never ride anyone else's bike...including my brother or sons'.
So I'm clear, i understand the reasoning behind not letting anyone ride our bikes, I just don't subscribe to it. Nor do I let any and everyone ride it. I have a trusted group of friends, much like others, that can ride or drive anything I own. No questions asked.
VA... u have a very strong motherly instinct... usually men feel much differently.

I can see that, however it's always men handing me their keys and I turned them down for years. I finally caved last year, took a friend's BMW for a spin, then another friend's BMW...I also realized these two guys feel like I do; it's just stuff. I respect that not everyone feels this way.

I also realize not everyone should just be handed keys.
I never will hand my keys over again! My brother wrecked my superhawk 4 hours after I bought it. Thankfully and most importantly he wasn't seriously injured. Never again lol