True Bear.......but there are one stack of alot of vehicles out there that are called SE's or LE's with basically no difference other than a badge alone.Your points are valid, but my MAIN point was that this was a pathetic amount of effort for it being called anything special, let alone anniversary. This is nothing more than a "special paint" edition. Most motor companies put a lot of extras (i.e. requiring ENGINEERING) into "special edition" releases, not just different paint and a dandy 50-cent sticker...Actually they're only $200 more up here.... that's not that bad for having a Busa that won't be exactly the same as every other one on the street.While it's color may be nice, I'd agree with Twisted that it's a pretty lame effort to be called a 40th anniversary *anything* would expect such a "special limited edition" to be a LOT more unique...
1. Call it rare in your ad hype
2. Use a solid color not normally used
3. Slap a sticker on it
4. Charge extra $$$ without spending an extra cent
5. Laugh all the way to the bank...
What a racket...
I realize there are thousands more pumpkins out there......but chances of running into one are not extremely high.
One more thing I know since I paint bikes is that if you want a bike that's a little different form the rest........$200 is a small price to pay.
Custom paint is gonna set ya back at least 4 times that much.
For a factory colour the orange rocks!!!!!!
*THAT* was the main point. Yes, the orange is neat, yes the black frame is neat, and both are worth the low increase of $200. All points I agree with, but all points that miss the main one...they should be ASHAMED that this is all they did for having called it a special edition...
Up here they have built what they called "Whistler edition" Tahoe's, Jimmy's, and Suburbans.
The only difference whatsoever is a small badge on the right rear that says Whistler that's pathetic.
And what about some imports that are called Le's just cuz they have a few power options.
I think we're gettin rooked by more than just Suzuki.
At least the pumpkin's paint is completely original.
BTW.........outta curiousity what vehicle's are ya talkin bout that have engineered modifications in order to make them Spec eds......and I'm not bustin yer balls here either.....just curious which ones you speak of!!!!