New Biker Parent

Welcome to the board Adonis! Congrats on the new ride. I'm sure your pop wants you around for a long long time, so be careful man. ZX10, 'Busa.. it's all good... the point is you're riding and it sounds like you realise you have a lot to learn. No preachin' from me.. just be careful!
Oh ya.. Adonis, you're lucky you're Dad is so understanding.. When I got my first bike my mother didn't talk to me for a month!! No kidding! I was a little younger than you are now.. if I had known it would have had that effect on her, I would have bought it sooner! Just kidding!!! After all these years, she's good with it (all 4 of us boys ride).
Yeah, I'm about Adonis' age, 23 to be exact and my mom damn near kicked me out of the house when I pulled up on my bike. She knew that I had experience from all my years of motorcross but she's deathly afraid that some idiot on a cell phone is gonna make me a hood ornament. I just promised her and my father that I would be careful and always wear my helmet even if I'm just goin' down the block to a friend's house. Besides, the 'busa keeps me in check

Anyway...what's up and welcome to the board!
I have to say, I love this thread!

I'm 24...and without having my own bike yet, already put my parents through the agony of an accident on them. I still want my bike someday, but I'm more aware of my family now than ever before. I know the risks of being out there and I'm okay with them...but I'm not okay with them suffering for me. Eventhough I was so blessed to come out in one piece, I still remember the look on my parents and brother...a look I'll never ever forget.

Adonis...congratulations on getting your bike! Have fun and enjoy the rides, but always be alert of others...I guess we can't say this enough times. You can read the thread "Involved in a bad crash" I posted a little while ago so you can understand better. One of my best advise would be, get some good gear if you don't have it already. Helmet, leather jacket, boots and gloves at least. I know Florida weather is hot...but always remember, which one burns more: the leather jacket or road rash? Try never to ride solo and ride with responsible riders that won't endanger your life.

God Bless you always...and our parents for caring and loving us so much!

Welcome to the board Adonis -

Sageronin - first and foremost in all things. prayer

I hope no one takes this harsh. I don’t mean it that way, all I can do is give my prospective

I have no control over when I leave this world.

I have no control over when my family leaves this world

I do however have control over my relationship with God so I know where I will go when I leave this world.

I do have control over how much I expose my children to God, and how much I pray for them to ensure they know God, so when they leave this world, they will know where they will be going and I will know where they will be going if they leave before me.

This world is temporary and we are here as long as God wants us here. I have been in numerous car accidents at high speeds, I have been in a few high-speed motorcycle accidents. When I was a bounty hunter I did some really stupid stuff like kick down the front door’s of homes that I should not have kicked in. Was lucky I didn’t not get blown back out the door with a shotgun blast.

On the other hand I have seen innocent bystanders be taken out of this world in a blink of an eye. Were not doing anything life threatening at all.

It isn’t up to us when our time is up. No matter what we do or don’t do, we do not have control over it. Well ok, unless we do something really really stupid but aside from jumping off a cliff for no other purpose than to see if we will live. It is not up to us.

So my advice..

Sageronin – Make sure you and your son are tight with God

Adonis – get tight with God and make sure your dad knows it.

Oh yeah, and ride together as much as possible

Good advice from Thrasher & rest of the wierdos as usual!

Welcome to the board Adonis. I'm a dad too, Listen to pops, he loves you. We can tell.

Ride Safe!
Thanks for all the advice again fellas, and ladies ( for beautiful Vanessa). I appreciate all the advice and I will definitely make sure I stay safe out there. As Thrasher said though, we go when it's our time, so we have to make sure that we are right with God so when that time comes there is no doubt that there is a place in heaven for us. I definitely have a personal relationship with God that leaves me with no doubt about where my soul will rest. In the meantime I live life to the fullest and try to make sure that I don't put myself at unnecessary risks. I now have 520 miles on my ZX-10 and I am loving the experience that I am getting with every mile. 500 more and my baby will be completely broken in. Sounds like trouble for all you Busa guys. lol, just kidding. Take it easy fellas and be safe out there and continue to give me as much advice as you can think of because I am always willing to learn more.
Well spoken thrasher, Adonis it's a comfort to know that if I'm
cruising along and God forbid something goes sour, I know
where my soul will spend eternity. That's why I pray every
day for the strength to change the things I can, the courage
to accept the things I can't and the wisdom to know the
difference (Serenity Prayer). There are things that are inevitable
because the Bible is being fulfilled, but there are things that
can be squashed by the power of prayer. I'm truely impressed
with your level of maturity at 22. Thrasher hit the nail on the
head, you're ahead of your game. Well, shoot look at your
old man gotta be in the genes. Only problem ya need to
get rid of that toothpic/10-speed and get a real man's machine

Just Kiddin, honestly if I had 10k in my pocket right now, I'd spend
all day in the dealership trying to decide b/t the 04 R1 & zx10.
Be safe and God bless.
Welcome to the board Adonis and congrats on the new ride!
I think you made a good choice in a litre bike. I've just about decided that I'd get a ZX-10 instead of a gixxer1k if I had the money for a second bike right now. Don't tell all these diehard Suzuki folks, though.
What color did you go with? Oh, and it's a requirement that you post pics of your bike here within a week of your first post.

As for you, DJ, if Adonis was my son and I thought he was gettin' outta line with that ZX-10 I'd ground him and confiscate the bike for a while. You know, bring it to MY house so I could take care of it and ride it until I thought he had learned his lesson.
Well, that's the excuse I'd use to get me some seat time on the 10 anyway.

FWIW, DJ, I'm "thirty somethin'" and my Pops still worries about me like I'm 21. It's natural and it's just proof that he really loves me. Same goes for you and Adonis, no doubt. Then again, he ain't really comfortable with my career choice either. When he mentions me gettin' hurt on the busa I remind him that I don't exactly sell candy to third graders for a living.


Welcome to the board, Adonis! Enjoy the fact that your dad is a rider and you can look to him for advice on the subject. All the talk about talking to family about bikes is interesting because I have Adonis by a day or two and still haven't told my mom that I have a bike!
Thanks again everyone for 1) helping me get used to the idea of my son experiencing the joys and dangers of riding, 2) accepting and giving both of us good advice ... what is that saying " it takes a 'board' to raise a child
... no really I appreciate the help. If even half of what we're telling him sink in that is a good thing. Here's a pic of his "wanna be busa killer" :

DJ ... the proud but nervous dad.

At least you got him wearin' the gear right off. It took me a few years before I made that move!
Adonis -

Suggestion my friend. Drop the cool looking shoes and get some steel toed boots at least. or better yet full riding boots.

That is if you don't already have a pair, just going by what I see in the pic. And my reason for offering this advice?

When I hit the school bus at 75 mph, I was wearing western boots, the top of my left bit was ripped off from the shifter. Fortunately no damage to the foot on that one.

Another time I was coming down a mountain road and she was tilted as far as she would go (on my old bike, not my Busa) and the tilt wasn't good enough, so instead of slamming into the mountain I tried to tilt her more. too much, she lost the rubber on the road and basically fell a few inches and was on the ground, sliding with only my leg between her and the road.

Fortunately on that one I was wearing some kick arse motorcycle boots. It ripped all the buckles off the boot, but no damage to my leg or foot, if it were not for the boots it would have been the weight of the bike laying on top of my leg grinding my leg into the asphalt.

So like I said, just my paranoia speaking.
for what its worth.

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Damn nice bike Sage.........tell that boy to be damned careful......them things are insane wheelie machines!!!
Now drop it off at my place so I can chrome and polish the hell outta it!!!
Thanks for the compliments on my bike guys! I really appreciate it and that is huge coming from the Busa crew. Oh yeah, I wear Joe Rocket Boots everytime I step on the pegs. I wear the Joe Rocket Leather Jacket you see (compliments of my dad), which is one of the two leather jackets he gave me, and I only ride with Jeans on. Regardless of the no helmet law here in Florida, that Nicky Hayden Replica Arai RX-7 is my pride and joy and you better believe I don't ride without it. That pic was taken right after I woke up in the morning and I just wanted something to show to my dad, so I hopped on it with what I had on, lol. I didn't think of who else he might show the pics too, but next time I will be smarter about it. Thanks again for the compliments and now I have 613 miles on my baby, so it's time for my first oil change which means I am parking her until Monday morning when I can get to dealership. I have been loving every mile I put on it and can't wait to finish the break in so I can get a dyno done on her. I will make sure to post the numbers for you. By the way, this Busa smoked his tires at me today as he flew by me at 130+. I really didn't appreciate that. So if you know of a big muscle head Spanish guy that rides an electric blue and green ( I think, it was movin pretty fast), then tell him I didn't take too kindly to that. I mean, I have never seen tires smoking at that speed. It was pretty sick.
Welcome to the board Adonis......great ride you have there.
Please promise us you'll always respect the power that thing silly mistake is all it very careful.
Always remember (if yer about to do something less than safe) Sage only has one son now.......keep it that way.

Very sad (for you and your Dad) to hear of your brother passing.......I lost a sister years worse thing can happen than losing a close family member.

Keep us informed on yer bike.

