Damn SageR, you don't even look old enough to have a 22yr old anything. Must be in your genes huh?This is a new feeling. My 22 yr old son living in Tampa, FL just bought his first bike. Talk about mixed emotions and feelings of hypocracy, even though he took my advice and completed the beginners MSF course. I suggested he start out with a 600 or 750, but no, he went only one step down from the Busa and he got a ZX-10! I'm trying to be a good father and give him the proper mix of warnings and support, but it is hard. I am afraid for him as my son has a history of speeding in a cage. I am afraid for myself as my youngest son was killed in an auto accident less than 2 years ago. It is tough being a parent, even after they are grown and gone, you still worry too darn much. All I can do is pray and continue to give him as much advice as possible. I'm about to get on amazon.com and send him a couple of good riding technique books. I just got off of the phone with him and we will be going to kevin schwantz's school together this year. That's about all I can think of right now. Any advice would be welcomed.