New BMW dyno numbers are in - S1000RR makes 183HP at the rear wheel

Here we go, It is not only peak horse power it is the rpm range that the bike makes good numbers. In the busa's case that is a huge range and the torque is the same. There is a difference between peak power and usable power. Just for the record I don't believe the results of one dyno on one bike is particularly conclusive.
Rag all you want, guys. I love my Busa. I love Suzukis - I've had a bunch of them.

But dollar for dollar, I'd at least give that Beemer a look if I were in the market for a new bike.
Rag all you want, guys. I love my Busa. I love Suzukis - I've had a bunch of them.

But dollar for dollar, I'd at least give that Beemer a look if I were in the market for a new bike.

I would as well if I were looking for a liter bike, But in the end thats all it is another liter bike.
Rag all you want, guys. I love my Busa. I love Suzukis - I've had a bunch of them.

But dollar for dollar, I'd at least give that Beemer a look if I were in the market for a new bike.


I'm sorry, but I'm in love with the 1000RR. I think it's an amazing bike w/ quite a few technological advances over some of the current Japper 1k's, that in the end will make it a more rewarding, safer, and truer handling motorcycle.

I am putting a few pennies away in the piggy bank in hopes of having this along side my Busa by the end of 2010.


I've never seen the BMW claimed busa beater beat a busa at the drag strip.

I don't think they claimed it was a Busa beater. While it has a tad more HP, it's down about 20 Lbs in torque. You know the old saying.. horsepower sells bikes, torque wins races.
I finally saw the 1000rr at the motorcycle show here in seattle....god I want one. (I'm a bmw/audi guy) so my love will always be for german made.
The headlights do remind me of mr.peanut though :p
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I'm sorry, but I'm in love with the 1000RR. I think it's an amazing bike w/ quite a few technological advances over some of the current Japper 1k's, that in the end will make it a more rewarding, safer, and truer handling motorcycle.

I am putting a few pennies away in the piggy bank in hopes of having this along side my Busa by the end of 2010.



I LOVE my busa, but it is not the end all be all of bikes. Some people need to learn to appriciate the new technology and ideas that make all bikes more fun. Its not all about hp or torque, unless your bench racing and talking shid.
way too much obsession with the "Busa Beater" moniker for sure... so what? the Busa is loaded with 10 year old technology.. Really, liter bikes should be out running this dinosaur... It is a credit to the bike it took this long to happen... It is still a bike in a class all by itself.. Not the champ at any one discipline but a contender in a few.. What a great bike!

And I always thought RR meant Race Replica.
I was in a Honda race shop a few years ago and that is what I was told by the guy that rode.. (Redline Honda in Fort Wayne)... Now I gotta go look see if I was mis-lead

Now you know :laugh:
and now you do too... :rofl: I was able to find the RR used in a few articles that also used it as "Race Ready"..

I do question the term all the same.. I see no safety wire, I do see mirrors, and light lenses that are all taboo on the track as well as ethylene glycol coolant...

Race Replica might actually be a better term but then they would all look like the Repsol/Fiat bikes.. :)

WikiAnswers - What does RR stand for in honda motorcycles

WikiAnswers - What does RR stand for eg cbr 900 RR

Here is some good stuff....

The race ABS is a
culmination of BMW’s twenty years of ABS expertise, compressed
into just 5.5 lbs. of weight.

a wide departure from the 20+ lbs of the most recent Japanese offerings...

I'm sorry, but I'm in love with the 1000RR. I think it's an amazing bike w/ quite a few technological advances over some of the current Japper 1k's, that in the end will make it a more rewarding, safer, and truer handling motorcycle.

I am putting a few pennies away in the piggy bank in hopes of having this along side my Busa by the end of 2010.


Nice bike....

Gay little helicopter....
Not a bad looking bike from the rear, the left or right side, but fugly from the front! Ill wait till more of them make it to the streets and get some miles on them for me to make my opinion! I do like the RSV4 in looks and sound! Feels like a 600cc when you sit on it too!
Only time will tell if this new bike is a winner? Although it has potential, I don't think I'd buy one any time soon. I am not in the least bit interested in being a test monkey for BMW. Give it at least one good season to see what it has to offer and how reliable it is along with cost of parts etc.

I love my gixxer because I can crash that puppy and have it back on the road in two weeks with parts from ebay at a fraction of the cost to buy new. I don't think you'll find that avenue available with the new BMW?

I'd love to ride one though!
Only time will tell if this new bike is a winner? Although it has potential, I don't think I'd buy one any time soon. I am not in the least bit interested in being a test monkey for BMW. Give it at least one good season to see what it has to offer and how reliable it is along with cost of parts etc.

I love my gixxer because I can crash that puppy and have it back on the road in two weeks with parts from ebay at a fraction of the cost to buy new. I don't think you'll find that avenue available with the new BMW?

I'd love to ride one though!

Right on. In the systems application world, buying and using a first generation version of software, generally X.00, is a nightmare. We call it marketplace beta testing. I experienced it with my 1983 Porsche 944, its first year. Girls would stop me on the street, squeel, and try to climb into it, but I was constantly replacing engine mounts.
Having worked in a BMW shop, all I can say is they avoid warranty coverage as much as possible. back when K-bikes were losing instrument clusters due to a fault in the PCB, BMW would only let us return the absolute dead ones. Intermittent failure> Doesn't apply.

K-Bikes with smoky startups due to oil leaking by the rings (who came up with that stupid design anyway), sure they had a fix for it, only after the bike smoked like a bastard could we warranty it.

They were the worst to deal with and I still can't belive how my BMW friends drink the koolade. Bikes that constantly need to go back to the dealer are lauded over. I have one friend who spent $600 on a new seat because the stocker was ****e. Then he spent another $600 to replace the replacement pile of ****e. I don't get it. :poke:

I've grown to see them as German Harleys. Nice status symbols, but not for me.
I like it, but would I ride it ??? , probably not much. Weight (as in not much) causes me to get tired in our ALL YEAR LONG cross winds of 20 mph and above (my Ducs and TLR taught me what 500 miles in cross winds are like on a light bike). The Busa is just right for me in the weight dept. . Light enough to move with no problem (engine off) and heavy enough to handle cross winds at speed without thinking :::: WHY AM I DRAGGING A KNEE WHILE GOING STRAIGHT :laugh:

Of course I could have bragging rights on NO CHICKEN STRIPS in the my first 200 miles by just riding 100 miles west, turn around and come back home on one of our windy days :rofl: