New busa after not riding for a year

Really? I have not wheeled WOT. Blipping the throttle in first and second gear will do it.

Yes, one of my best friends bought a new 06, and I had the second key, I rode it more than he did(same deal with his 05 gsxr1k, lol).
I would roll out in 1st gear, and twist it as quickly and as far as it would go immediately...and up the front came.
I'm ham fisted and aggressive as **** with a throttle anyway.
I've ridden a few other gen1's too, same story.
The reason you get it up easy "blipping" the throttle is because the rpm's are up in the meat of the power curve, you let off, mph slows a little, then the 2nd hit easily raises because it's already in the power.
I intentionally wheelie everything I get on, and once in a while I'm pleasantly suprised when one comes up unexpectedly.
Even a few degrees change in temperature or humidity will wake them up some.
Get on your gen1, creep in 1st, then nail it'll come up....
Nope! Like I said I can only speak for gen 1 but no it won't! Not in 3rd without clutch.

I can throttle a gen1 2nd gear wheelie too, but not 3rd, that needs clutch or agressive double twist of the throttle.
The gen2 will do 3rd under throttle(it's got 20 more hp too)
So me and my fiance got busas this past weekend a 2015 and 2013 I am in love with mine, well looking at it anyway I have not rode it yet as it's still cold as balls in New York. Anyway I need tips for riding a busa for the first time. My fiance is scaring the poop out of me saying how easy it wheelies when you arent even trying and thats what I'm scared the most about.. esp after not riding for a year.. I do have experience on bikes..I took a safety course, rode a 250 for a year and then for 3 years I rode an sv650s none of these bikes are like the busa, obviously. Just wanted some tips or your input..

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if one year seems to you a lot, then I inform you that I did not drive for 9 years,
when they stole me my Yamaha R1.
The Hayabusa is a trusted dog, respect it, love it, and it will return you back twice..
You've made a great choice to buy one of the best motorcycles of all time!
Apollogies to the OP
mention wheelies and a few of us perk up, lol.

Don't worry about wheelies.
If the front comes up, don't close the throttle abruptly, roll back out of it.
Keep the bars straight, don't set it down crossed up and it'll be smooth.
Find a long empty stretch of road, and run the bike hard, wot, through 2nd or 3rd gear.
Get an idea of what you have.
Respect it, relax, enjoy it, and learn to step out of your comfort zone.
Welcome to the org.
We can all help you with anything Busa, not just bicker about what it can do.:beerchug:
If ya come from low CC bikes I can see the wheelie issues, same amount of throttle will get her standing quick. My advice is spend time on first gear and learn it well. That's the gear that's gonna make ya. She's a fat pig so learn on how to counterbalance your body when moving extremely slow. Otherwise ya gonna be picking her up from the floor lol. These rest is suspension tuning. Anyone can go fast on a Busa ,going slow is another matter
So me and my fiance got busas this past weekend a 2015 and 2013 I am in love with mine, well looking at it anyway I have not rode it yet as it's still cold as balls in New York. Anyway I need tips for riding a busa for the first time. My fiance is scaring the poop out of me saying how easy it wheelies when you arent even trying and thats what I'm scared the most about.. esp after not riding for a year.. I do have experience on bikes..I took a safety course, rode a 250 for a year and then for 3 years I rode an sv650s none of these bikes are like the busa, obviously. Just wanted some tips or your input..

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Nice looking bike,l got mine last December but only got a few riding days in so far.Weather been pretty lousy for the most. I've been riding most of my life and I was a little concern when I first took it out. My other ride for the past few years which I still have is a honda intercepter. The busa is a dream to ride. Acceleration is amazing! As long as you dont go full throttle you'll be fine . I guess it can be a pussycat or a beast. Love way it cuts through the wind. I'll be 65 in a few months and I love riding it. Just respect its power and you'll be just fine! I know you'll be glad you got it.
If ya come from low CC bikes I can see the wheelie issues, same amount of throttle will get her standing quick. My advice is spend time on first gear and learn it well. That's the gear that's gonna make ya. She's a fat pig so learn on how to counterbalance your body when moving extremely slow. Otherwise ya gonna be picking her up from the floor lol. These rest is suspension tuning. Anyone can go fast on a Busa ,going slow is another matter
I am alittle nervous about the weight issue with it too because I never had a bike that weighed that much but I'm a fast learner so hopefully I'll get use to it quick
Swap with your fiance since his does not have a power commander and take it easy in C mode. I did it this way, for all of 25 minutes until I realized its all in the wrist and the modes don't matter. Use your brain, be cautious and as mentioned earlier NOT scared.
Welcome to the forum! I had a 600, before I bought the busa and you shouldn’t be afraid, just respectful like the guys mentioned. Got practice slow speed maneuvers in a parking lot, because she is heavier than your average sportbike. I personally don’t like “C” mode, but if you use it, keep in mind that it will reset to “A” mde every time you shut the bike off.
from my limited experience so far with my Busa I have found it does need a firm hand. When you move off MOVE OFF. do not hesitate. WHEn you move off from a stand still and start a turn like at an intersection keep your eyes up and move off with authority I will not weelie if you do not want it to. It is big heavy fast and a joy to ride in the open. Not so fond of it as a putt around town bike. The admiring looks are nice but it is, I find, much happier on the open road eating up miles and carving the corners
It will NOT wheelie if you do not want it to. It is a find riders machine. what you put in is what it gives you back.
Oh $hit maybe 1340 I'm a newbie sorry,
Dmv said it was a 1360 so I dont know ‍♀️ I'll prolly get alot of smartass comments about this reply
Nope you won’t find that here, no one is shunned or made fun of here for the sake of humiliation and those who try never fare well. Welcome to the oRg, we are here to help you, teach you, enlighten you and inspire you.
As far as fear, take it slow, I got my Busa at the young age of 18, and grew up with it. In my opinion that is the best way to fall in love with a bike and truly learn its workings.
1st gear throttle blip back in 2006, intentionally of cours
