New busa after not riding for a year

Also just putting this out there, chances are if you wack it or blip it in NY unless it’s a 90 degree July day or you just got done riding for a mile the back tire usually winds up spinning so do be carefully of that. I would be more concerned with that than I would a wheelie. Wheelie you can kill with the back brake but a tail whip does take some experience to make your way out of.
Dude i'm in almost the exact same position as you except I had No experience whatsoever. Two weeks ago today i got my first bike for an early birthday to myself, 09 Busa with full exhaust and power commander, under 6k rpm this thing is very easy to ride. I've had her 2 weeks today and have put a tick over 500 miles on her and never been more than 10 minutes from home! The bike wont do anything you dont tell it to, if an absolute newbie like me can manage one you wont have a bit of problem. I had her at 120 in my first ride and broke 140 since then and the only small wheelie came from an accidental downshift instead of up. Btw beautiful bike, I think white is the best color in a Busa
As a former motorcycle riding instructor, I definitely would not recommend a bike like this for a non experienced rider. There is just too much temptation to go fast and having experience at speed is the difference between going home and going to a hospital-seconds count. Some have natural skill and common sense whereas many, many others do not.

The OP has prior riding experience-thankfully.

You got the bikes, Now go invest in good gear.
Dude .

I am in almost the exact same position as you
except I had No experience whatsoever .

Two weeks ago today I got my 1st bike
for an early birthday to myself ,
2009 Busa with full exhaust
and power commander ,

under 6k rpm this thing
is very easy to ride .

I have had her 2 weeks today
and have put a tick over 500 miles on her
and never been more than 10 minutes from home !

The bike wont do anything you dont tell it to ,
if an absolute newbie like me can manage one
you will not have a bit of problem .

I had her at 120 in my 1st ride
and broke 140 since then
and the only small wheelie
came from an accidental
downshift instead of up .

By the way
beautiful bike ,

I think white is the best
color in a Hayabusa .


Sorry did I say something wrong? I wouldn't encourage anybody to get a Busa, especially a hopped up one, for their first bike just saying that if I can handle it with absolutely zero experience the OP should be fine with his since he has much more than I do.
Nope, you said nothing wrong. You are obviously in the percentage of people who has the skill and common sense to be able to handle a bike like the Hayabusa.

The OP has experience and has progressed up to the Hayabusa through smaller bikes
Nope, you said nothing wrong. You are obviously in the percentage of people who has the skill and common sense to be able to handle a bike like the Hayabusa.

The OP has experience and has progressed up to the Hayabusa through smaller bikes
I just hope it has been enough experience! I really dont think I will have an issue just not really knowing what i got myself into until i ride it lol and btw I'm a woman for everyone that is saying "him or he" Haha
I just hope it has been enough experience! I really dont think I will have an issue just not really knowing what i got myself into until i ride it lol and btw I'm a woman for everyone that is saying "him or he" Haha

My apologies milady! I could've swore you referred to your fiance as 'she' in your first post about wheelies but rereading it idk why I thought that. I was thinking you've got a badazz chic for a fiance if shes one wheeling the Busa already while you're still leery of it. Well here's to another lady on the front of a bike, we dont have enough of them imho.
I just hope it has been enough experience! I really dont think I will have an issue just not really knowing what i got myself into until i ride it lol and btw I'm a woman for everyone that is saying "him or he" Haha

I'm sure you will find the Busa pretty forgiving, it only goes fast if you let or want it to. It can be ridden much like your SV was.

I akin it to someone buying a Corvette, although it will go fast, it doesn't have to, sometimes it is comforting knowing you can go fast if you want.

I didn't even pick up on all the "He/him" references, but good to see a lady on the forum-don't know where all the others went.........
I just hope it has been enough experience! I really dont think I will have an issue just not really knowing what i got myself into until i ride it lol and btw I'm a woman for everyone that is saying "him or he" Haha

Nice bikes and welcome to the .ORG I am new to the Busa as well, got an '03 just a couple of months ago. I agree with everyone else, as long as you are not ham fisted with the throttle you won't have any issues.