New Feature --- Groups

If you feel this will move the forum foward and would be in the best interest for the majority of members that click on your site I wish you the best of luck in your decision to keep a hand full of people happy.

There's like no groups yet, maybe one.
You haven't NOT been invited yet?
This excludes nobody from anything else other than TeamGeezer talking smack to themselves privately.
I really don't see how you can or could complain about it?
But yet you already have four posts here doing so?
It does nothing but enhance an already good place to hang out.
I thought thats what the block feature was used for? So now writers can block viewers and viewers can block writers.
I get it now Obama has hijacked Caps screen name and now setting controlling features viewing rights of what we are allowed to view and what we can't. Land of the free and freedom of the org.

You'll only not be able to see the discussions in groups you're not part of.
All things you see now and saw yesterday will still be seen by you tomorrow.
Nothing's really changed only been expanded.
There's like no groups yet, maybe one.
You haven't NOT been invited yet?
This excludes nobody from anything else other than TeamGeezer talking smack to themselves privately.
I really don't see how you can or could complain about it?
But yet you already have four posts here doing so?
It does nothing but enhance an already good place to hang out.

Why? Cause this a forum to where I should have right to view teamgeezer even if I wanted to. A forum is a public place to view read and share. When you start putting control option on a forum I believe its not in the best interest to a community forum. Its a control thing which I HATE!
Cause this a forum to where I should have right to view teamgeezer even if I wanted to

Make no mistake sir, you have no rights here... This is a private forum not a government hand out... I do what I think is best, what will cause me the least amount of work and cost the least.... You can hate your way out the door.... I owe you nothing!
Why? Cause this a forum to where I should have right to view teamgeezer even if I wanted to. A forum is a public place to view read and share. When you start putting control option on a forum I believe its not in the best interest to a community forum. Its a control thing which I HATE!

Have you tried to join a group yet? You don't need to get invited, just join.. Jeez, someone was REALLY lonely in High School, weren't they? :dunno:
Lankee by your logic you should be able to view a private mssg Capt sends to Vabs, right?
Cause you should be able to see everything, right? Is that your pov?

It is a public and open forum only now we have the ability to have separate private discussions outside of the general public areas. Don't see any problems with that?

There is a really good discussion regarding you going on right now.
It's a shame you can't see it. :rofl:

I'm just kidding, can't help but be a smartazz.
sooooo do I still get to see smacktalk!?

THAT is the only reason I come around here anymore!

It has been 80 minutes and still no invites?? :-/
sooooo do I still get to see smacktalk!?

THAT is the only reason I come around here anymore!

It has been 80 minutes and still no invites?? :-/

You don't have to be invited, you can go see the groups by following the instructions on my first post... Go look at the groups that have been created and see if anything interest you, if not you can make one if something is on your mind..
You don't have to be invited, you can go see the groups by following the instructions on my first post... Go look at the groups that have been created and see if anything interest you, if not you can make one if something is on your mind..

how bout through forumrunner?
I got used as an example! :cheerleader:

I like the idea. It's not like people are getting kicked out and being kept out of groups, you can join any group you want to if it seems interesting; however, the smacktalk will always be the most interesting :laugh:
I got used as an example! :cheerleader:

I like the idea. It's not like people are getting kicked out and being kept out of groups, you can join any group you want to if it seems interesting; however, the smacktalk will always be the most interesting :laugh:

Keep in mind the founder of the group has the option to make it private and by invite only.
Smacktalk wouldn't be nearly as much fun if it was Private :) It's whole purpose is to PUBLICLY poke fun at each other :thumbsup: SMACKTALK FOR ALL!!!

However, Lankee you could start a "I love Michelin" group....where you could privately admit that the Q2 is a better tire....although you might have difficulty getting members to join it...:laugh:
I got used as an example! :cheerleader:

I like the idea. It's not like people are getting kicked out and being kept out of groups, you can join any group you want to if it seems interesting; however, the smacktalk will always be the most interesting :laugh:

Actually Tiller, this is exactly the kind of thing that is being WILL be kicked and kept out of groups should the system stand as it is.

As my final post,

I will call B.S. on this move. I think if Saiid had not spilled the beans we would not have ever known about this feature. As soon as I read Saiid's post checked a few members profiles and realized that the conversations that had been missing on the org had been moved to smaller groups of limited people. I noticed a few weeks ago that the gun talk stopped. and the religion and the extreme white-wing stuff disappeared and I was wondering where all that went - now I know.

I have never been a group person as I believe that one should be able to defend one's positions against all critism. Further, if you truely believe in your views of the world then you should welcome all thoughtful attacks against that point of view. Look at the groups that have been created (at least the ones that I can find) and they are about people surounding themselves with like minded people to limit discussion to agreeable points of view. While I can understand the motive, that to me is the very definition of weakness.

In a forum where all are allowed to express their point of view it creates great mistrust when you know that much of what is not said is being shared selectively in smaller clicks. I thought that was silly in High School and I certainly feel it's silly now as a grown man. On the other hand, this is Captain's site and he can do what he wants with it. My opinions, comments, mod write-ups and sponsor patronage are mine to control and I chose not to participate in under these new rules Captain has imposed on the org. Frankly, I think this has limited the audience of the org and will fracture it to a bunch of smaller forums that have little to do with the motorcycle. Further, the sponsers are here to see a site where people are encouraged to modify the Busa and buy the products to do that from them; so I'm missing the wisdom in this move from a business model.

So to my many good friends, it has been enjoyable but "alas this to must end." I will troll this site occasionally although it will be quite boring now that discussions are held in smaller groups of like minded people. I wish you all many happy and safe motorcycle adventures and hopefully the org. will survive this change and be a better place.

oooh oooh oooh... me, busagirl44444, and blondeonabusa can create the 'beach babes/ guy gawkers' group
The same people complaining about the "groups" are the same ones complaining that the org doesn't talk about Busas anymore. Now the normal talk will all be about Busas and the smacktalk/politics/guns will be in group talk.

What's the dilemma? :banghead:
Willie, I've gotta say, I'm disappointed in your response to this. I respect you immensely, as I do most here (most, Bots not included of course)...

I don't care about groups...have 'em, don't have 'em, I won't likely sign up for any or contribute much simply because my "job" here is big enough some days, and I junk up enough of this corner of the web already :laugh:

This should not be taken to be a move toward segretation of any kind; I see it as a way for those with very specific topics to discuss 'em...I am pro-gun, but I'm sick of gun threads...guys here are likely sick of me girling up the site, but that's not going to change, I don't care who you are...if they want to start an "Anti-Vabs" group, have at it. I'll still read all of the posts and go behind their backs to make life as difficult as possible here, because I can :whistle:

Seriously, this site HAS ALWAYS been what WE make it. The members here make or break things, and captain has always held that ideal while walking that thin line between letting us be and keeping things clean. It's not easy, I assure you.

If you're leaving, I will bug you via txt and you'll have to come up my way some day to ride. I hope you rethink this move because, in the end, it's members like you that make this place home for so many. If we were all the same, it would be really frickin' boring here. Live life as I try to and don't find reasons to feel offended by something so trivial as "groups" being formed on the oRg. I feel pretty certain we'll all still banter and argue as always, in open forums. I'm sure if this groups thing does lead to trouble or a ton of in-fighting, it'll go bye bye...that's NOT what any of us want here...