New Feature --- Groups

A genuine couple of questions:

Are all groups PUBLIC? That is, are there any set to private where you have to be invited to join?

Are all groups visible? That is, even if you aren't in the group to post, you can see the discussion and read the discussion?

It's a slippery slope, and while I'm not totally a conspiracy theorist, I'm well aware of the 'underworld' of pretty much every decent sized message board. There most certainly is background conversations taking place with or without these 'groups'. I personally dont think the groups are a good idea, but I don't own/manage this board, so more power to you Cap! :laugh:

Feel free to tell me what underworld... There is absolutely a place where mods / admins meet and discuss actions.. Other than that EVERYONE except banned members can see the exact same thing... Spread your knowledge to the rest of us.. What do you not have access to?
Are all groups PUBLIC? That is, are there any set to private where you have to be invited to join?

Are all groups visible? That is, even if you aren't in the group to post, you can see the discussion and read the discussion?

Yes, all groups are public... The owner of the group has the ability to require someone to be a member to see the content but the groups themselves are public...
??? Will Cap tell us orange/black is the fastest, Will Fallenarch RIP, will VaBusa keep us on edge with girl talk, Who really shot JFK. Tune into GROUPS and all will be revealed:laugh:
Willie you make me laugh so hard some times.... You are always the victim in everything.... I have been working on the groups for at least 9 months..... The mods / admins can confirm this..... Blanca was just the first person to catch the change and ask about it... When I started working with Blanca yesterday he blurted out on the forum that the Groups were live long before I had a chance to create an introduction to the group. The Groups you see listed on the groups page is it sir, no more, no less... Nothing is hidden but dont get your feelings hurt if you cant get into a group, I wanted to leave some control to the members to be able and have private conversations... You can make an "I hate captain" group and allow whomever you chose or disallow whomever you choose. I think that most will agree that keeping the groups open is the way to go so I don't expect very many areas that are not open just because folks are so accommodating.

If you choose to be a victim and a conspiracy theorist then so be it, if you just want to leave the forum then leave but please spare me the drama that we are picking on you or trying to segregate the community. The gun threads all stopped because I think most people were just tired of seeing them, the same for the political threads... You seem to have this nagging belief that everyone is out to get you... I read your thread yesterday that you thought we were limiting your post size because your return key didn't work and now you think that we are hiding threads from you..... Get a grip Willie, this forum is made to keep people connected and posting.....


Ok, I don't want to have more fairwell tours that the Rolling Stones but :laugh:

Captain, I have never played the victim on any issue. Why do right-wingers always fall back to the "you're stupid, emotional or a victim" thing when they are caught doing the nasty? Your ego is running away with you again.

Anyway, if you wanted this thing to be open you would have done a poll like this:

1. Who would like groups so you can discuss things in a smaller forum?
2. Should these groups be open or by invite?
3. Should the discussions in the forums be open to all org. members to read or not?
4. Would you be more or less likely to visit the org or take part in discussions if you knew there were closed groups?

Pretty simple. You could have even asked some of the more regular posters and event attendees about the issue. But that's not how you implemented the groups and until Saiid busted on you the groups were a very different thing, reguardless of your intent. Totally your right to do it - it's your forum. On the other hand, It's my right to call foul and decline to participate further. I'm just one guy and the org will survive my protest.

I have a lot of friends on this site that are closer to me than the people I see each and every day, so I do on a level hate to drop out of our daily "discussions." On the other hand the implementation of this group thing was handled wrong and I can only look at what was done, as I have no way of knowing for sure why it was done. And Captain I don't hate you, which is not to say I like you, just that there are very few people I hate.

Good luck all and have fun & be safe. :thumbsup:
"and those are the days of our lives..."

??? Will Cap tell us orange/black is the fastest, Will Fallenarch RIP, will VaBusa keep us on edge with girl talk, Who really shot JFK. Tune into GROUPS and all will be revealed:laugh:
You know I like ya Willie, and don't want to see you go. Take a day or two off, and come back. IN MY OPINION you are over-reacting.. It'll pan out to be no big deal. I don't like change either, but we all have to change with the times...

Hang in there friend, see you soon! :beerchug:

There was / is no plan to hide things from people. There have been no back groups hidden or created to keep anything from anyone. The threads you mentioned not being around anymore are because people apparently just got tired of guns and politics.

From that, the one thing I would like to know is where in the world did you come up with the idea that this was being done with malice? Where does that stem from?
You obviously take issue with the assessment below, but have conspiracy theories about turning on group features?

I try and stay out of the drama, but just don't understand where you are coming up with this hidden agenda stuff.

Ok, I don't want to have more fairwell tours that the Rolling Stones but :laugh:

Captain, I have never played the victim on any issue. Why do right-wingers always fall back to the "you're stupid, emotional or a victim" thing when they are caught doing the nasty? Your ego is running away with you again.

Anyway, if you wanted this thing to be open you would have done a poll like this:

1. Who would like groups so you can discuss things in a smaller forum?
2. Should these groups be open or by invite?
3. Should the discussions in the forums be open to all org. members to read or not?
4. Would you be more or less likely to visit the org or take part in discussions if you knew there were closed groups?

Pretty simple. You could have even asked some of the more regular posters and event attendees about the issue. But that's not how you implemented the groups and until Saiid busted on you the groups were a very different thing, reguardless of your intent. Totally your right to do it - it's your forum. On the other hand, It's my right to call foul and decline to participate further. I'm just one guy and the org will survive my protest.

I have a lot of friends on this site that are closer to me than the people I see each and every day, so I do on a level hate to drop out of our daily "discussions." On the other hand the implementation of this group thing was handled wrong and I can only look at what was done, as I have no way of knowing for sure why it was done. And Captain I don't hate you, which is not to say I like you, just that there are very few people I hate.

Good luck all and have fun & be safe. :thumbsup:
I don't see this all as some underhanded way to create segregation, let alone drama...I swear, you guys are more drama than a room full of 12 year old girls at a Justin Bieber show some days, and I mean that :laugh:

Captain was testing groups a long time ago...I do believe we've had a "Moderator" group out there for years. All he does, and continues to do, is open up new features offered by the platform we're running this well-oiled machine on :) Shoot, anyone remember the "rating system" we had for a while? It created soooo much more drama that necessary, so it was turned off. These forums offer up a ton of features that aren't fully incorporated from the get-go, and it takes times to test 'em, feel 'em out and then release them to the hounds.

If Captain opted to post up a poll every time we made changes to this place, we'd have a ton of polls and even more to argue over, when at the end of the day, he's simply rolling out features that exist, but just haven't been turned on...

Why do right-wingers always fall back to the "you're stupid, emotional or a victim" thing when they are caught doing the nasty? Your ego is running away with you again.

So now I am a right winger because I turned on the Groups Features. Got it... and because I turned on the Groups Feature and you don't agree with it that makes me "Doing the Nasty" Got it.. And what exactly did I do to bring my ego into this?
Sometimes I feel like I'm reading one of my mom's favorite NOVELAS :laugh:
Blanca knows what I mean!

Captain thanks for keeping this site open so busa newbies like me can learn a thing or 2. I would have pulled the plug long time ago.

Thanks!!! :thumbsup:
"I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Evelyn Hall

It seemed like a good quote at the time...
Captain, I have never played the victim on any issue. Why do right-wingers always fall back to the "you're stupid, emotional or a victim" thing when they are caught doing the nasty? Your ego is running away with you again.

Anyway, if you wanted this thing to be open you would have done a poll like this:
Understood, as long as we do things your way then you won't complain about it... As long as it's your way then it has to be the best, that is what I read.

1. Who would like groups so you can discuss things in a smaller forum?
Lot's of people like smaller groups... Do you think the developers of the software wrote the program hoping people would like it? Do you see the numbers of PM's or emails that flow through this place?
2. Should these groups be open or by invite?
Both, we are all adults right? Are you telling me that you would choose to force the option of allowing anyone? I chose to allow the group owner to do the right thing.
3. Should the discussions in the forums be open to all org. members to read or not?
The discussions on the forum are open to all org members and even non members... Anyone can see the forum... Small groups are a whole other part of the site.. Do you somehow feel entitled to see what other people are discussing in small groups?
4. Would you be more or less likely to visit the org or take part in discussions if you knew there were closed groups?
Time will tell won't it....

Pretty simple. You could have even asked some of the more regular posters and event attendees about the issue.
You have no idea who I spoke to about this, which people have tested it, which members have provided feedback. You have no idea what other websites I have gone to or research I have done to see if this is a good transition... You know nothing about this feature.
But that's not how you implemented the groups and until Saiid busted on you the groups were a very different thing, reguardless of your intent.
In your own words you can see that I did not roll this out but was working on it. It did not happen in my timing, it did not roll the way I wanted it to, I did not get time to test it as thoroughly as I had wanted to... BUT you can't complain in one thread that we have been moving threads over and hiding content and then in another thread recognize that it was rolled out unexpectedly.
Totally your right to do it - it's your forum. On the other hand, It's my right to call foul and decline to participate further. I'm just one guy and the org will survive my protest.

Your protesting something that
A. You have no idea what your talking about
B. You complain about every move unless you get to make the choice...

I have a lot of friends on this site that are closer to me than the people I see each and every day, so I do on a level hate to drop out of our daily "discussions." On the other hand the implementation of this group thing was handled wrong and I can only look at what was done, as I have no way of knowing for sure why it was done. And Captain I don't hate you, which is not to say I like you, just that there are very few people I hate.
Feel free to tell me what underworld... There is absolutely a place where mods / admins meet and discuss actions.. Other than that EVERYONE except banned members can see the exact same thing... Spread your knowledge to the rest of us.. What do you not have access to?

The Admin/Mod forum is all i was referring to. There are many boards with totally hidden sections only to those privileged enough to be selected. I wasn't claiming this is one.

Don't get so defensive. Jeez, it's just a motorcycle forum!
The Admin/Mod forum is all i was referring to. There are many boards with totally hidden sections only to those privileged enough to be selected. I wasn't claiming this is one.

Don't get so defensive. Jeez, it's just a motorcycle forum!

You insinuated that we had hidden forums, I just forced the clarification.. Not defensive just protective....
You insinuated that we had hidden forums, I just forced the clarification.. Not defensive just protective....

LOL, Dude, this is getting a little awkward. To be honest in my personal 'nobody' experiences, the group thing sounds really neat and useful up front, groups get made for every day of the week, and people really enjoy the segregated atmosphere for about 1 month. But, eventually, all that fades as we find that having people with sometimes different opinions are important, or maybe we find that we just want to be part of the bigger picture and the focus isn't about the segregated groups but rather our common interest in the name of the board. People slowly forget to check their 27 groups they signed up to and in the end, the group thing putters out and the overall forum structure resumes. Again, what the hell do i know?! I'm just a no body, right Captain? :lookaround:

It's funny, although generally in the past I can't stand the views/opinions of FallenArch and in this instance don't agree with the method he came to conclusion of groups being "bad" for the board, I agree with them on the premise that they are not good for the board. Agian, I respect your right to make whatever changes you want. Want to make it pink with yellow polka-dots?! Go for it! Like you said, the website activity drives whether you are making the right or wrong decisions and it sounds like you are doing what you have researched and come to the conclusion is the best step forward. So, from that end, I am cool with trying out the group thing. Maybe just a little skiddish at it if that makes any sense?


Defend Synonyms, Defend Antonyms |
Wow, its crazy just how a simple new idea can really stir things up around here. I've just a Rookie and only been around for about a year and a half and I guess I can see this new group thing being beneficial as well as a hindrance to some. I pop in here off and on everyday just to see some of the sometimes crazy, funny and useful stuff that gets posted. Sometimes I need a good laugh at some of the things that go on here :laugh: and sometimes I'm looking for opinions and ideas from others. I guess the only thing that I would be concerned about is missing out on some of the postings that go on the public areas compared to the ones that may get posted in the Group section. Meaning a problem that may be discussed in a group could be beneficial to everyone, but you wouldn't see it if it was in a group section. Its also possible to miss out on some of the funny antics (Vabs & Bots) that go because they may get posted in the Group they're in instead of the public area's where everyone would see it. I just would hate to come in here and start seeing less and less postings going up on the public sections and members start posting more in their Groups that they have joined. I'm all about change, after all that's what happens everyday, you have to at least give it an opportunity and be open minded about it. If your not open minded, then it never has a chance to succeed, after all this is the first day of discussion on the topic.
WOW!! What a bunch of little girls like VAB's said.

I look at this forum like this:
1: It is NOT a democray, It is somewhat of a Dictatorship. We do not own the site or have any gauranteed rights on the site. THIS IS NOT A DIG Cap. It is defense (Sorry).
2: If a person does not like the discussions or changes they are free to speek out ONCE maybe TWICE but not beat a dead horse. If your opinion is not followed you have 2 choices, deal with it or LEAVE. Broadcasting your departure is so 2nd grade though in my opinion. That is MY opinion and if you don't agree with my thoughts fine but I don't care to debate it because I am not change my thoughts on it. (Just FYI)
3: Posts here need to be mother-in-law safe. EVERY LAST ONE.

If anyone doesn't agree with the rules in place now or future rules and terms that may come down then leave. You will be missed but it is a priviledge to be here not a right.

Doug, thank you for everything you do for us and for allowing us to play in your playground.
4: As a guest here in Cap's house we all must abide by his rules.