New Feature --- Groups

Fireman6615 said:
Its also possible to miss out on some of the funny antics (Vabs & Bots) that go because they may get posted in the Group they're in instead of the public area's where everyone would see it..

So I'm just here to amuse you? Is that what this is?? Where was my vote on that?

I'm out of here.. :banghead:
All I know is, Bots and I have some pretty funny group ideas right now :rofl:

Do the group discussions have to be MIL-approved capt?? :whistle:
LOL, Dude, this is getting a little awkward. To be honest in my personal 'nobody' experiences, the group thing sounds really neat and useful up front, groups get made for every day of the week, and people really enjoy the segregated atmosphere for about 1 month. But, eventually, all that fades as we find that having people with sometimes different opinions are important, or maybe we find that we just want to be part of the bigger picture and the focus isn't about the segregated groups but rather our common interest in the name of the board. People slowly forget to check their 27 groups they signed up to and in the end, the group thing putters out and the overall forum structure resumes. Again, what the hell do i know?! I'm just a no body, right Captain? :lookaround:

It's funny, although generally in the past I can't stand the views/opinions of FallenArch and in this instance don't agree with the method he came to conclusion of groups being "bad" for the board, I agree with them on the premise that they are not good for the board. Agian, I respect your right to make whatever changes you want. Want to make it pink with yellow polka-dots?! Go for it! Like you said, the website activity drives whether you are making the right or wrong decisions and it sounds like you are doing what you have researched and come to the conclusion is the best step forward. So, from that end, I am cool with trying out the group thing. Maybe just a little skiddish at it if that makes any sense?


Defend Synonyms, Defend Antonyms |

People slowly forget to check their 27 groups they signed up to and in the end, the group thing putters out and the overall forum structure resumes. Again, what the hell do i know?! I'm just a no body, right Captain?

So if you know this to be true then why make such a big deal out of it? Just let 30 days go by and if we only have 27 groups then I suppose the forum hasn't really lost a lot of info....

The vision folks is not to take anything away from the forum but to enhance it with smaller groups able to use the rooms for meetings, get togethers and other topics that people complain shouldn't be on a motorcycle forum... I'm shocked at the response from some folks willing to walk away over something they envision as a way to ostrscize them from the group.. I will say it again, be nice and you might get invited to a group if for some reason it is closed... I would bet that 99% of the groups will be completely open for anyone to use... Are you really so concerned about not being included that you are willing to walk away or get upset about it? Why would you want to be a part of a group that you were not welcomed in anyway?

So if you know this to be true then why make such a big deal out of it? Just let 30 days go by and if we only have 27 groups then I suppose the forum hasn't really lost a lot of info....

The vision folks is not to take anything away from the forum but to enhance it with smaller groups able to use the rooms for meetings, get togethers and other topics that people complain shouldn't be on a motorcycle forum... I'm shocked at the response from some folks willing to walk away over something they envision as a way to ostrscize them from the group.. I will say it again, be nice and you might get invited to a group if for some reason it is closed... I would bet that 99% of the groups will be completely open for anyone to use... Are you really so concerned about not being included that you are willing to walk away or get upset about it? Why would you want to be a part of a group that you were not welcomed in anyway?


Honestly? Because I feel FallenArch is getting a rough shake at explaining their view and all I was trying to do was 'maybe' help describe the other side of the coin. No love lost from me. I'm not proclaiming to GTFO or anything like that. It's a good board full of mostly good people. :laugh:
Honestly? Because I feel FallenArch is getting a rough shake at explaining their view and all I was trying to do was 'maybe' help describe the other side of the coin. No love lost from me. I'm not proclaiming to GTFO or anything like that. It's a good board full of mostly good people. :laugh:

Make no mistake... not trying to direct anything to you.. the site is MOSTLY great people... but like anywhere else there are those that need a smacking...
As my final post,

I will call B.S. on this move. I think if Saiid had not spilled the beans we would not have ever known about this feature. As soon as I read Saiid's post checked a few members profiles and realized that the conversations that had been missing on the org had been moved to smaller groups of limited people. I noticed a few weeks ago that the gun talk stopped. and the religion and the extreme white-wing stuff disappeared and I was wondering where all that went - now I know.

I have never been a group person as I believe that one should be able to defend one's positions against all critism. Further, if you truely believe in your views of the world then you should welcome all thoughtful attacks against that point of view. Look at the groups that have been created (at least the ones that I can find) and they are about people surounding themselves with like minded people to limit discussion to agreeable points of view. While I can understand the motive, that to me is the very definition of weakness.

In a forum where all are allowed to express their point of view it creates great mistrust when you know that much of what is not said is being shared selectively in smaller clicks. I thought that was silly in High School and I certainly feel it's silly now as a grown man. On the other hand, this is Captain's site and he can do what he wants with it. My opinions, comments, mod write-ups and sponsor patronage are mine to control and I chose not to participate in under these new rules Captain has imposed on the org. Frankly, I think this has limited the audience of the org and will fracture it to a bunch of smaller forums that have little to do with the motorcycle. Further, the sponsers are here to see a site where people are encouraged to modify the Busa and buy the products to do that from them; so I'm missing the wisdom in this move from a business model.

So to my many good friends, it has been enjoyable but "alas this to must end." I will troll this site occasionally although it will be quite boring now that discussions are held in smaller groups of like minded people. I wish you all many happy and safe motorcycle adventures and hopefully the org. will survive this change and be a better place.


Willie with nobody there to calm you down you've gone mad I tell ya!
I only created my group like yesterday I think? The only reason the gun threads stopped is cuz we all wore that subject out, I think? Nobody is talking guns and politics anywhere where you can't see it. In fact I even sent you an invite.
Personally I never intended for their to be any discussions in my group. I just wanted to gather together a bunch of like minded folks that's all. I never even thought to myself 'ooh ill start a group and talk behind people's backs'. And as a matter of fact that aspect I thought about last night. There will be nobody allowed to talk behind or mention anyone's names who aren't there to respond or defend themselves. It isn't a place to go to talk about others not there. I can see both sides of the arguement. But again I just wanted to gather together a group of MinuteMen (and apparently women, Go BusaGirl!) so in a modern sense we could be ready and stand guard as well as pass down certain traditions.
This is all fun and Internet play so please Chillax y'allz.
And just one more thing regarding Willies post. You say I spilled the beans. I may have turned a light on or focused it onto the feature but its always been there just not functioning properly.
You can't tell me that I'm the first person to notice a word that's on your profile page four times?


I've clicked it hundreds of times and always got an error mssg, then moved on. Yesterday I decided to finally send Capt a mssg and he got it working.
Bots you don't need a smackin, just a moon pie and a chair and your happy for hours...

I think you've mistaken "happy" for "flippin' paranoid"...don't you recall how worked up Bots was when we all told him how many moon pies he'd eaten?! :rofl: He'd be lucid for a bit, then all of the sudden he'd walk over to me and whisper "I didn't really eat that many, did I?" all sad and pathetic, you know, like Bots usually is...

Some stuff you just wish you had on video, ya know??
i'm forming a private group and not inviting anyone, that's the only way i can figure out to get any peace and quiet anymore!!! :lol: