New guy

Well i guess you should never count your chics before they hatch.

money in hand and the mother @#$% sold the bike out from under me for less money.

So if its cool with all of you i would like to stick around couse this is not the end.
my UNICORN will come back around another day.

and thank you for all of your warm welcoms.:beerchug:

This is what im trying for now.
Are the fram sliders in the wrong place?
I was told that they were so i ask the pro's.:rulez:
and what do you think of the bike in all?????????? :thumbsup:

as you can see it has pipes and seats but it also has the power comander and bar risers.
it feels really good and seems to be hella smooth.
it feels lower then others as well.
any feed back would kick ass

That bike looks nice, and the owner has spent some $$ on the Corbin seats and Yosh exhaust.:thumbsup:
Hard to really tell from the angle but it appears to be at stock ride hight and the side stand appears to be stock. Busas sit low to begin with and a Corbin seat will take it down a notch. As far as the slider, different makes attach at different points. The ones on that bike appear to be attached to the upper engine mount head bolt. Both the upper and lower head bolts are secure mounting locations, the deciding factor for mounting would be the lenght of the slider as it would effect the angle between contact points. The ones on that bike appear to be long enough to provide clearance from the ground. Some of the cheaper ones fasten to the under cowling bolt (to the lower left of the slider in the above pic) and will snap off as soon as the bike makes contact with the ground.

Are those some kind of extension blocks on the mirror mounts? First time I've seen those. ???

Looks to be a very sweet bike, hope y'all can agree on a price and you'll be sporting a new ride.
:welcome: to the .oRg!
Hey everyone...thought I would crash this thread and introduce myself as "New Gal". LOL.

My Busa is a 2004. I have had it for a few weeks now. I am in Orlando, Fl.

busa_pix 004a1.jpg
My unicorn has escaped me once again:banghead:
Does any one have a stronger rope.
I have been trying to get a busa sence i was 16 and im 28 now.
Maybe i just need to kick back and let is come to me IDK
Ill let you guys know what happens.
Till then ill wait in the shadows.:whistle: