New owner from Alaska


Wasilla AK? So whats the dirt on Sarah Palin? Is she as hot in real life as she is on TV?:rofl:
Believe it or not she is even Hotter!:thumbsup: and the riding season up here varies, last summer blew and rained most of the season so hopefully this summer will be better. I will be sure to post some riding pics when the season starts. Thanks for the warm reception!
Welcome to the org. and enjoy the Bus. I live in Anchorage also and cant it for the next season to begin. Be safe and see you on the road.
We weren't wrong, you didn't find one for 4500.00 it was 4700.00:laugh: J/K congrats and :welcome:.
welcome!!! So how much do you get to ride up there?
Really depends on how cold of weather you are willing to ride in. Here as soon as the roads are clear of ice people are out riding and then the season ends when it gets to freezing so 3-5 months.
Say "you go girl!" to Sarah for us! A short season for sure but some BEAUTIFUL scenery!
good buy man, we lived in anchorage for 20+ yrs just moved to to tell ppl how it might be 5 months of riding but the sun dont set till midnight.