New Rider

Well I seem to see here that Lycan gets picked on alot :laugh: and it sure seems like fun to give it to him. But he has been very helpful trying to get to understand all of this stuff here. I have been warned about the pics but ha I have to figure that one out as well :whistle: So in given time and some patients ( I hope) I will have some pics up.
Thanks again for all of the welcomes. Doesnt seem as painful as I thought it would be.

Well any friend of Lycan's is a friend of, .......Well, Lycan!:laugh:

Yes, he will Guide you through the mine field of the Org. only to place you on his own bomb!
Watch him, he's tricky. (And Funny Too!). J/K U know!

:welcome: to the madness!
Play safe and have fun.
OK now are you gals and guys telling me I need to be aware of Lycan, that he is going to lead me to his own mine field and :bomb: Got me thinking here :whistle: