New theory on global climate change


A few years ago we were having a huge drought. Hot as Hades and we were watching on CNN how gigantic lakes/reservoirs in Atlanta were going dry. Back then, talk of global warming was all over the news.

Now we've had a ton of snow here in DC. This is one of the coldest winters I remember over the last 10 years. So talk of global warming is out and the new mantra from the talking heads on TV is "Global Climate Change" instead of global warming.

A neighbor actually told me that this is all the fault of the Bush administration (almost everything here in DC seems to be political!). After my wife and I got a good laugh out of that - I think he was serious! - I got to thinking he must be right.

So here's my new theory on why this lefty thinks it's Bush's fault: After 8 years of excessive hot air blowing out of the Bush administration, the climate adjusted in predictable ways and we had Global Warming. Now, with just one year of clear, rational thought flowing from the Obama administration, everything is cooling off. I really do think the oceans are receding and the earth is beginning to heal. Change we can believe in!
World weather is dynamic, unfortunate that Science has a long history of mis-use for political agendas :rulez:
Good one!

Me thinks that planets do on occasion undergo changes in climate..... to tax me because of it adversely impacts my tire and beer budgets and causes changes (warming) in my domestic climate!
the planet supposedly when threw an ice age or two, and there wont no dam bush or obombanation, or any other dam polition aroud then. its a scam$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ just like the ones on ebay,:whistle: but this one your going to buy wether you like or not:whistle:
some of you might remember the 70's.....i was just a kid, but i remember the popular fear was "global cooling" and scientists were talking of the next ice age that would cause the extinction of man....

reminds me of that "Twilight Zone" were the earth suddenly started moving closer to the sun....and everybody was freaking out, only to learn in the end that it was a nightmare a character was having and the earth was really moving away from the sun.....and everybody was freezing to death.

A few years ago we were having a huge drought. Hot as Hades and we were watching on CNN how gigantic lakes/reservoirs in Atlanta were going dry. Back then, talk of global warming was all over the news.

Now we've had a ton of snow here in DC. This is one of the coldest winters I remember over the last 10 years. So talk of global warming is out and the new mantra from the talking heads on TV is "Global Climate Change" instead of global warming.

A neighbor actually told me that this is all the fault of the Bush administration (almost everything here in DC seems to be political!). After my wife and I got a good laugh out of that - I think he was serious! - I got to thinking he must be right.

So here's my new theory on why this lefty thinks it's Bush's fault: After 8 years of excessive hot air blowing out of the Bush administration, the climate adjusted in predictable ways and we had Global Warming. Now, with just one year of clear, rational thought flowing from the Obama administration, everything is cooling off. I really do think the oceans are receding and the earth is beginning to heal. Change we can believe in!
weather, just like everything else on Earth, operates in cycles...being human (and extremely egocentric), we believe all of the known universe revolves around us...we are seriously deluded!!! just my $.02
BTW, I hope my dripping sarcasm was evident to anyone who read my original post.

But here is some related international news out today:
Middle East Small Talks To Focus On Getting Israel, Palestine To Discuss Weather | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Middle East Small Talks To Focus On Getting Israel, Palestine To Discuss Weather

November 18, 2009 | Issue 45•47
Related Articles

* U.S. To Give Every Iraqi $3,544.91, Let Free-Market Capitalism Do The Rest 01.14.04
* Long-Standing Conflict Ends As Israel Returns Lawn Mower To Palestine 12.03.08

LONDON—According to State Department officials, the violently clashing peoples of Israel and Palestine have agreed to resume small talks this week in an effort to move toward eventually having a discussion about the weather. "Our goal is to achieve a preliminary open dialogue about the weather that will be mutually beneficial for all involved," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, adding that the small talks would likely touch upon other issues, such as how the nations' kids were, and whether or not the other government had seen the game last night. "They may not see eye to eye on every point, of course, but the most important thing now is for both nations to just sit down and say that, yes, it looks like rain, and that, man, the traffic out there sure was a nightmare this morning, wasn't it?" At press time, officials were trying to find the easiest way for representatives from Israel and Palestine to bump into each other at the grocery store.
BTW, I hope my dripping sarcasm was evident to anyone who read my original post.

But here is some related international news out today:
Middle East Small Talks To Focus On Getting Israel, Palestine To Discuss Weather | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Middle East Small Talks To Focus On Getting Israel, Palestine To Discuss Weather

November 18, 2009 | Issue 45•47
Related Articles

* U.S. To Give Every Iraqi $3,544.91, Let Free-Market Capitalism Do The Rest 01.14.04
* Long-Standing Conflict Ends As Israel Returns Lawn Mower To Palestine 12.03.08

LONDON—According to State Department officials, the violently clashing peoples of Israel and Palestine have agreed to resume small talks this week in an effort to move toward eventually having a discussion about the weather. "Our goal is to achieve a preliminary open dialogue about the weather that will be mutually beneficial for all involved," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, adding that the small talks would likely touch upon other issues, such as how the nations' kids were, and whether or not the other government had seen the game last night. "They may not see eye to eye on every point, of course, but the most important thing now is for both nations to just sit down and say that, yes, it looks like rain, and that, man, the traffic out there sure was a nightmare this morning, wasn't it?" At press time, officials were trying to find the easiest way for representatives from Israel and Palestine to bump into each other at the grocery store.

OOOPPSS, I'm lost,

The Onion is Satire, not factual, correct?

Perhaps I missed the sarcasm in the satire, sorry ???:laugh:
Oh the horror of that image of Gore sticking his head back in his hole is disgusting....:rofl:

Anyway somewhere he's talking out of his butt in a muffled voice.....:rofl: