nitrous kit - first run

(321CYA @ Nov. 05 2006,07:30) Hey Chevelle  I see that your stretched VERY NICE Bro
thanks,it's a work in progress

you almost got some more pics....back to that in a sec

the air here today was so incredable,50 degrees 30.55 baro  
(the highest i can recall) 35 % r/h thats 108.1 % on the  r/h calc
so i dropped the nose another .25'' and put the ti oval muzzy can on, b/p was just under 800 lb's, the first hit in 2nd gear pulled the front end up 2 feet...oh my,a mile later the 2nd hit was about the same,heres a pic of me on the 2nd hit  
  with the bottle cooling i knew that was the last big hit,so i stopped to take some pics....and that's when i discovered the bats in the camera were dead...oh well,i have a bottle to kill,so i did,it was still strong,but nothing like the first 2 hits...that concludes my excitement for the day

You guys are bad a$$. I just got my Busa a couple of weeks ago and couldn't imagine what putting NO2 would be like. I'm gonna hold off till I can wring everything out of this puppy before I go that route. It's awesome to know that there is so much more out there for me once I am ready for it. Congrats on your new nitrous kit, and the giant cohones that came with it!
It got up to about 50 degrees today but I only got a chance to take one little ride. I had the bottle pretty warm but not as much as yesterday, and I could tell. I hit it only three or four times today as it was a short ride, and I can defiinitely feel the hits getting smaller as bottle temp dropped. I'll be working on a heater solution this week.

It was still amazing, but it didn't freak me out quite like that very first time. I still smile everytime I think about that first hit -

It's going to the tuner soon and the weather here sucks so I'm going to try and stay off of the bike till then.

Like Chevelle said, this is a work in progress. I bet none of the other things I'm doing make me smile this much though.

Thanks again for all the suggestions and help, guys - it's helped!
bottle heater sounds good, I've been looking for one for my 5lb bottle that goes under the hump but all Ive seen is over 150$ anyone else has an idea on where to get them at a better price or is this as good as it gets.......
Do you mean 2 lb. bottle ?

I use a automotive baby bottle heater on my 2lb. bottle,just extend the velcro a little. Not as good as the real thing,but not bad on the cheap.
bring it in sooner... oh yea.... and like any good addict, always chasing the first hit...

Still being a Nitrous virgin,till I get my sorted out,those ride descriptions were like a cheap sex novel. Started slow, then got hot &steamy. lol
Why couldnt you use some heat hand grip strips and then insulate the bottle... Should cost like 60 bucks or so...
Talk about old posts - my bike makes more on motor now than it did on juice when this thread was new.

As far as a warmer I have been using Arctic Cat grip warmers for a snowmobile since I had them laying around - did that back in the spring. Only bad thing is they stick on the bottle with adhesive so you need one for each of your bottles.

Also - mounting on the arm versus in the trunk seems to keep my pressure around 900 even with the warmer off when the outside temp is around 67 ~ 75. Seems to siphon better with the vertical mount as well.