no clutch after 3 yr storage help


So due to family issues my 01 busa has been sleeping in the garage for the last 3 yrs. I find myself with some time to ride so I pull it out and fire it up. Bike starts right up as I thought it would. changed the oil and filter and went for a ride. the bike was great for the first 5 minutes. I grabbed a hand full of throttle and the bike sounded like the clutch was slipping. revved up and nothing happened also the clutch started to grab really far out. I pulled the clutch apart and inspected the plates they all look good. I soaked in oil for a couple days and put the bike back together. I started the bike all was well started out on a ride got about 2 miles down the road and the same thing happened. Any body got any thoughts on this I baby the bike so much that for 14 yrs old I only have 10,000 miles and am still running the original tires. Yes they need changed now but tires are no good if the bike doesn't go.
so I am thinking the clutch springs lost tension??? or maybe it does need a clutch should I replace it all or just the friction plates??? I am happy enough with stock parts and can only believe that its because of its age and length of time the bike sat they failed.
details on bike
2001 Hayabusa 1 owner bike
10,000 miles
minor modifications exhaust, power commander, k&n air filter, tre, stock everything else.
I have read lots of posts but I am not sure if anyone is having my same problem.
Also when I parked it, it was full winterized and set on a battery tender on its kick stand. That was in 2011-12
I assume you bled the system too? Would start there. Also, I haven't had this bike apart in that area, but is the arm that the hydraulics go to a bit stuck? Try manually moving it to move the clutch.
Good luck,
Check your springs for height. Next try bleeding. If that doesn't work, take the clutch slave from the left side off and check the push rod. Other than that, maybe just not enough fluid?
Check your springs for height. Next try bleeding. If that doesn't work, take the clutch slave from the left side off and check the push rod. Other than that, maybe just not enough fluid?
clutch releases without problem when its cold. Fluid does look pretty dark I will flush and refill. When I had the side cover off I could see the clutch release completely and engage completely when bike was cold on the stand. its not a air in the fluid issue I don't have to pump the clutch to get the bike in gear. It may not be releasing all the way when the clutch is out. the clutch master is coming all the way out but I haven't looked at the slave yet. I have read about shimming the springs a little. what are people shimming them with?
I suppose I should say this when the bike warms up is when the clutch starts to slip. Seems ok when cold.
I cant find my service manual anywhere I bought one when I bought the bike and never needed it now it is amongst the missing. Do you know what proper spring height should be?
I assume you bled the system too? Would start there. Also, I haven't had this bike apart in that area, but is the arm that the hydraulics go to a bit stuck? Try manually moving it to move the clutch.
Good luck,
The action of the clutch does not make me believe there is air in the system If there were I would not be able to put the bike in gear and that's not the problem. There may be something sticking in there not letting the slave cylinder completely engage the clutch.
I guess I should say this also I did ride the bike last year exactly 1 mile. engine warm idled in the driveway for 20 minutes before hand. That was on the old oil. I was able to row threw the gears plenty of power getting to the back tire to lift the front tire. I normally only use the clutch when starting and stopping. I very seldom use it while I'm shifting up or down. I did warm the bike before changing the old oil this year for 20 minutes and let it drain for 2 days before refilling it. with golden spectro 10-40 synthetic oil and a Suzuki filter.
so quick question In case I do need to put in a clutch I have found complete kits the metal the fiber springs and gaskets. I believe I can put in a clutch from a newer model 02-06 but I read something about some washers or something? can anyone enlighten me on this?
On 02-07 there's a clutch "spring" behind the plates. That may or may not come with the clutch kit. Try the springs first
Did you remove the sprocket cover ,and clean all the 3 year old dried up goop / chain lube ? I see this many times the crud dries making the push rod action poor
or catches . It can also not return properly after application of the clutch lever . try a simpe good cleaning of rod/cover/slave cylinder first .
Did you remove the sprocket cover ,and clean all the 3 year old dried up goop / chain lube ? I see this many times the crud dries making the push rod action poor
or catches . It can also not return properly after application of the clutch lever . try a simpe good cleaning of rod/cover/slave cylinder first .

ill try that also