Yea, what Rubba said.
Let me also CONGRATULATE you Owen. Believe me when I say that I am truly happy for you dude. I have four years left to go with my son. It's basically the same everywhere. The more you make, the more you pay. I must admit though that I've been lucky. When I started paying child support back in '91 the cost has never risen. Thanks that my son's mother never wanted to rip me a bigger one than she already had. So unless the mother takes you back to court.... what the judge orders is what she gets. My only gripe about child support is that Support Enforcement goes through hell and highwater to make sure that we pay, but they should take it a step further to insure that the money is being used on the kid. And 90% of the time, unless you're a trusting soul, or in other words a complete idiot (sorry for stealing your moniker MichelleFinally,...after 16 1/2 daughter turns 18 on Sep 1.
I wrote and paid the last child support check last week. Never missed a payment, even when I broke my collar bone. Not even after the second divorce and money was tight. Not even when it went from $500 a month, to $800 a month, then $1300 a month. (in CA the more you make, the more you pay, and there is NO limit!) So you work more overtime to make up the difference, but then your annual salary goes up and she can get more, and you pay more even if you don't work as much overtime the next year. I'm all for paying child support, but the rates are too high in CA.
So, since my son turned 18 two years ago the payment went down to $800 a month, for one kid. Now my daughter turns 18 and it's like an $800 a month raise...after taxes.
Now, before everybody decides how I should spend my money, I haven't been able to put as much away for retirement, (only 21 years away) and I have a second on my house that I'm going to pay down, so most of the money is spoken for.
And for all you "cheaper to keep 'er" folks out there. I found out a lot about the ex after we got divorced. Like, it's all about the Benjamins for her. "Hey, I really can't afford to pay you $800 a month," "Well, I don't know what you're going to do but you have to pay me, the state says I can get this much" "Listen, money is really tight since the divorce, can we lower the payments, $1300 is really too much" "Hey, that's what you're supposed to pay me so that's what I want"
At one point I ate Mac and Cheese for a month straight because it only costs 49 cents a box. And she has a little racist tinge in her. "You're playing craps under the streetlight with those black guys from work?" It was the way she said "black guys" Jeeezus, had I known.
Sorry about the rant and the long post, but this is a Major milestone. I AM DONE! WOOHOO!
Ooooooh, but the skeletons that they would find in MY closet...To hell with Bush and Kerry... I should run for President!![]()
T Rex Fossils!Ooooooh, but the skeletons that they would find in MY closet...
Nah BigDawg, the laws keep changing. Right now, it's done at 18 years. They need some kind of 'grandfathering' clause so that the laws don't keep changing. It's like a neverending rollercoaster ride.... one day YOU DO, and the next day YOU DON'T!!Congrats Big O, but how about if your boy goes to college? Don't you have to cont to pay? My son is 7 soon to be 8 so I've got a way to go. I'm payin $500 now man and it's kickin me hard. Gotta do it for my boy though. Congrats again.