I spanked my daughter when she was younger. She is a pretty good kid now. Some kids respond to other types of punishment some kids need some physical reminders once in a awhile. A pat on the tush or a smacked hand is not beating a child. If my daughter bit me, I bit her back, if she pulled my hair, I pulled hers back...she only did each of those things once. Because she then understood the pain the she had inflected. If you disipline them while you are in complete control of your emotions it should never come to the point of a beating. Just walk away...
My sister "talks" to her kids and refuses to even tap them on the bottom. They are Baddddd kids and will most likely continue to disrespect her and their father thru their teens. She told me she didnt approve of the way I disiplined my daughter and asked me not to spank her kids when I baby-sat them. I told her I would not longer baby-sit them anymore. Now they are three and five I am the only who has any control over the little monkeys and she is asking me for advice on her disrespectful children. I told her get them in line now because it is almost too late. Now that the kids beat the snot out of each other she has started being a little more agressive with their disipline. I hope it wasnt too late cause Id hate to have to beat the snot out of one of them when they are in their teens and disrespect their mom in front of me...