Obama and a global currency

For all who are christians we already know what this means...but we also have faith in knowing the end of the story, and that we are on the winning side... all I can say is stay ready to go...
While people around the world are confused about the financial meltdown that is currently taking place, this trend can be understood in light of Bible prophecy. We are rapidly moving towards a global government that will control a global economy centered around a one world currency. This currency will eventually necessitate a world wide system of electronic exchange that does away with cash. Bible prophecy teachers have predicted this scenario for decades. Now, secular economic experts are discussing a one world global currency which we can now read in the headlines.
I used to be one of those people who thought conspiracy theorists were kooks. I have a friend who's dad had a whole library of conspiracy books. I read a few to appease my friend and my own curiosity. I forgot about them for almost twenty years until the ECU formed their own rules and currency. The ECU now makes laws that every ECU member must follow that have nothing to do with economics but everything to do with CONTROL. Don't let it happen to United States or we will lose out National sovernity and be subject to UN law. We will no longer have a Bill Of Rights but a charter that gives us permission as long as we obey.
in due time we will have one world economy and a few other one world items,none of them good. its on the menu now waiting on our GOD to let it become what it is to be.
the unholy trinity coming soon to a country near you provided your still here.
with my first class tickets i will not be around to see this. amen
Say NO to it.#

I would not like Our British pound sterling changed into Monopoly money

Since the Euro has been accepted in Europe prices have almost doubled over just a couple of years