Obama just spanked Mitt! You mad? LOL

Check out the thread, whose got your vote.

Sent from my hayabusa!

I think I found the one you're talking about. Same old jackassery that takes place on both sides of the fence.

My point was that this thread is a good representation of a larger problem in our country. People are so busy trying to one-up each other and always have the last word that we are all going to burn for it in the long run. Obama has been declared the winner, and one of the first mentions of it on this site is a thread meant to gloat and widen the gap between liberals and conservatives. It's one thing to talk smack before the election, and both sides do it. Now that it's over, we all need to make an effort to work together and move forward in a productive manner.

The bottom line is that our country is still in bad shape, and the OP's words are harmful to the cause of strengthening the nation and rebuilding our relationships.
I think I found the one you're talking about. Same old jackassery that takes place on both sides of the fence.

My point was that this thread is a good representation of a larger problem in our country. People are so busy trying to one-up each other and always have the last word that we are all going to burn for it in the long run. Obama has been declared the winner, and one of the first mentions of it on this site is a thread meant to gloat and widen the gap between liberals and conservatives. It's one thing to talk smack before the election, and both sides do it. Now that it's over, we all need to make an effort to work together and move forward in a productive manner.

The bottom line is that our country is still in bad shape, and the OP's words are harmful to the cause of strengthening the nation and rebuilding our relationships.

I agree that we are divided but the thread was in response to the tons of other threads created.

Sent from my hayabusa!
I agree that we are divided but the thread was in response to the tons of other threads created.

Sent from my hayabusa!

Maybe so, and that's fine. I'm of the opinion that there's a time for smack talk, and that time is before the election. At this point we all need to start moving forward. :2cents:
Smelling like rose... :rofl: You know what, I sit back and read all of the slick comment about our president and all of the hateful stuff said about other communities of people and say, WOW! The hate and ignorance is overwhelming here. Don't be mad at Obama for being a productive, smooth brother. :laugh:It was your choice to nominate the dad from "LEAVE IT TO BEAVER". :moon:
Not mad, just very afraid for our nation based on what I have seen in the past four years from an active duty military perspective. Time will tell, and I hope Obama can turn things around, but if in 3 years we are worse off than we are now, will you still be blaming everything on GW? Will you be on here posting apologies for your bad choices? I think not and really hope there is no need to.

There is a lot of people out there claiming to be the 1%. Well, have you looked at the military community lately? Maybe you should take a glance at that and see who is the true 1% in this nation, fighting for this nation, being killed for this nation and working hard so you can complain about this nation.

I really hope things get better for the nation, but know for the military and my family things are only going to get worse for a few years to come.
Don't be mad at Obama for being a productive, smooth brother.
Productive???? What was he productive on ??????
OBAMAGATE - 4 AMERICANS KILLED - LIE AFTER LIE trying to cover it up blaming a video.
Obama - How many times did he say he will not rest until we find the people that did this??? And what has he been doing ?????? PLAYING GOLF!!!!!!!
I see the debt reaching over 20 TRILLION in less than 4 yrs.
Personally i am surprised in this election

OK its over, after all the threads, all the annoying phone calls, all the complaining, i am just plain tired of hearing about it period!

Well folks, it is what it is. Obama won. Tennessee did their part and voted Romney. The FEEL GOOD mantra worked. You may not like their politics, but you have to admire their campaign as they had some huge hurdles to overcome. For one, I HOPE that Obama takes a hard look at the results (the electoral vote belies just how close the election really was) and realizes that he's going to have to COMPROMISE - just as the Republicans also have to look at same data and COMPROMISE some also - in order for us to move ahead. And I do HOPE that he is successful, as the alternative is not going to be good for anyone.

The truth is we are just about exactly where we were yesterday (a Dem WH and Senate and a Rep House), so there are still checks and balances and no side has all the cards. I just don't know with all the animosity if they can manage to get along at all and get something done. We may all party while Rome burns around us.

I fear, however (and we will see shortly) that he's going to claim a "mandate" and go for broke (literally), and end up looking more like Greece before we get another shot. The fact is the rubicon may now have been crossed, i.e. the 'takers' now outnumber the 'givers' and they can vote any way they want. There may be no way for conservatives to ever again get the upper hand.

So, it's time to get back to business. The President and Congress need to sit down and reach a compromise to get past Sequester, and quickly. May God bless the United States of America.
Not mad, just very afraid for our nation based on what I have seen in the past four years from an active duty military perspective. Time will tell, and I hope Obama can turn things around, but if in 3 years we are worse off than we are now, will you still be blaming everything on GW? Will you be on here posting apologies for your bad choices? I think not and really hope there is no need to.

There is a lot of people out there claiming to be the 1%. Well, have you looked at the military community lately? Maybe you should take a glance at that and see who is the true 1% in this nation, fighting for this nation, being killed for this nation and working hard so you can complain about this nation.

I really hope things get better for the nation, but know for the military and my family things are only going to get worse for a few years to come.

I always read on this forum about taking personal responsibility for your own life... Pulling yourself up by your boot straps and all that other good stuff. Well Obama cant change a thing without the republicans help. All they do is block progress and try to ram this economy in the ground. Its up to the House and Senate to work together. I dont agree with everything Obama does but you know he's better that ole mittens. You couldnt even name one this Romney was going to do to make this economy better or how he was going to do it. As far as me complaining about this nation because of a service man dying for it... I didn't know that I was complaining. Have YOU every been deployed once or twice, 18 month at a time away from you family? I am a vet! I fought and still fight for this great nation and your freedom to get on you little computer and cry about our president. I bet you got a huge picture of Regan in your living room wearing a cowboy hat looking up in the great blue yonder.:rofl: God bless you and my 101st Airborne Div. :beerchug:
Go Obama...no more whinning, no more bashing, romney lost get over it. Let's move on. Let's support the president so we can all have a great country to live in. Respect the office of the president even if you don't like the man. Enough of the BS
I always read on this forum about taking personal responsibility for your own life... Pulling yourself up by your boot straps and all that other good stuff. Well Obama cant change a thing without the republicans help. All they do is block progress and try to ram this economy in the ground. Its up to the House and Senate to work together. I dont agree with everything Obama does but you know he's better that ole mittens. You couldnt even name one this Romney was going to do to make this economy better or how he was going to do it. As far as me complaining about this nation because of a service man dying for it... I didn't know that I was complaining. Have YOU every been deployed once or twice, 18 month at a time away from you family? I am a vet! I fought and still fight for this great nation and your freedom to get on you little computer and cry about our president. I bet you got a huge picture of Regan in your living room wearing a cowboy hat looking up in the great blue yonder.:rofl: God bless you and my 101st Airborne Div. :beerchug:

Great post!

Sent from my hayabusa!
Don't be mad at Obama for being a productive, smooth brother.
Productive???? What was he productive on ??????
OBAMAGATE - 4 AMERICANS KILLED - LIE AFTER LIE trying to cover it up blaming a video.
Obama - How many times did he say he will not rest until we find the people that did this??? And what has he been doing ?????? PLAYING GOLF!!!!!!!
I see the debt reaching over 20 TRILLION in less than 4 yrs.
Personally i am surprised in this election


If you'd turn off the Fox news channel you would know that George W. Bush lied about WMD and got over 162,000 people killed in Iraq because of some personal business with Sudan Hussen. That lean forward comment was pretty funny. Sad but true because they all screw us, no doubt. Oh and what wrong with playing golf?? Bush did it right after 9/11, remember? You dont? Fox didnt show it ? Oh, thats shocking!!:rofl: