Obama just spanked Mitt! You mad? LOL

I got this today. Just remember, you now OWN IT.

Congratulations to the Democrats and Young People! You now own it.

The next terrorist attack you own it.
Can't get a job after graduation, you own it.
Sky rocketing energy prices due to Obama's EPA shutting down the energy producing states, you own it.
A nuclear Iran, you own it.
Bowing to the Soviet Union, you own it.
Another severe recession, you own it.
A volatile border with Mexico, you own it.
Trouble getting good health care, you own it.
Higher heath insurance costs and health care costs, you own it.
No budget, you own it.
Our allies mistrust, you own it.
Another trillion of debt, you own it.
More Benghazi situations, you own it.
No one willing to join the military, you own it.
Trouble getting to loan to buy a home, you own it.
More dependency on food stamps, you own it.
Trouble finding good employment, you own it.
Several part time jobs instead of a good job, you own it.
A World Government, you own it.
The UN governing the United States instead of ourselves, you own it.
A Senate that will not bring any legislation to the table rather it is "Dead on Arrival", you own it.
China controlling our world trade trampling all over us, you own it.
Loss of our freedoms as we have known it in the past, you own it.
A dictatorship instead of a democracy that follows the Constituion, you own it.
Less take home pay and higher living costs, you own it.
Driving a car that looks like a toy, you own it.
More government corruption and lies, you own it.
More toleration of extreme and fanatical Islamists, you own it.
Terrorist attacks called work place incidents, you own it.
Your revenge instead of love of country, you own it.

President George Bush is out of it now, and there is not another good man for you to villify and lie about. In a way I am relieved that another good man will not be blamed when it was impossible to clean up this mess you voted for. Have a good day. God bless the United States! God is our hope now.

What a bunch of emo horse crap. Cry more.
Ok, how about this one? (non-partisan):

CBO Lays it on the Line

There is no excuse now – as if there ever was. The latest report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget
Office is as explicit as it can be. If the fiscal cliff issue is not solved the US economy will sink back into as
severe recession and the rate of unemployment will soar to 9.1%. This means that the US economy will return
to the days of 2008 and 2009 and it could be well into the middle of this decade before there is a return to the
tepid growth that we have been experiencing this year. It should also be made clear that there will be noy
mystery at all as to what brings the US to its knees economically.
The responsibility for this pending disaster lies in the hands of 435 people. If your business goes under next
year or you lose your job you can look directly at the men and women you just voted for and hold them 100%
accountable. There is no big bank transgression, no out-of-control investors, no thwarting of regulator, no
sudden natural disaster. There is only the pure stubborn refusal to take action that staves off this crisis. If this
plunge off the fiscal cliff takes place, it would be a good idea to alert every last person serving in Congress that
they should be freshening up their resume.

The rants are usually reserved for the last page of the BIB but there have been so very few situations this
absurd and it tends to bring out the rant and rave. The fiscal cliff should be a non-issue – should never have
been created in the first place. The notion that these draconian demands would provoke the members of
Congress to develop a real debt and deficit reduction plan was a failure. It did nothing of the kind and nobody
should have expected it to. Now that it is clear that it failed it should be abandoned and a real plan should
emerge in its place.


Nearly every man, woman and child in the United States is now well aware that the debt and deficit
have grown so large that only a comprehensive combination of government spending cuts and tax hikes will
come close to solving the problem. Poll after poll suggests that most Americans accept this. There is only the
lunatic fringe on the right that thinks this can be done without taxation and only the lunatic fringe on the left
thinks that this can be accomplished without carving big chunks out of the government’s budget. The US owes
over $16 trillion dollars and it makes almost a trillion dollars less than that. What happens when you owe more
money than you make?

The time for posturing and pandering is over. The entire population of the US is facing a severe financial
crisis and our elected leaders insist on listening to a tiny handful of what are referred to as “opinion leadersâ€￾.
They no longer represent the opinions of the vast majority of the people living in the US and they should be
ignored – completely. If ever there was a time to communicate what the country really wants this is it. The
men and women who threaten you and everyone you know with financial ruin should be informed that there
will be a price to pay for their inability to make a decision. In the next few weeks the rhetoric will become
strident and divisive and we have to demand that it stop. There is a time and a place for the partisan position
but this is not the time or the place.



The number of people in America with an entitlement mentality is now so great that it was inevitable that Obama would be re-elected. - When more than 40% of the population are receiving some sort of welfare, it's obvious that the party that panders to them will always win.
Congratulations, Obama: you won by sucking up to the leeches and parasites who do nothing for society but have children who will also be leeches and parasites, or be crack dealers, pimps, muggers, robbers, burglars, thieves and murderers. (At least they generally only kill one another, so there's a silver lining in that cloud.)

Democrat policies have deliberately encouraged certain groups to be takers and not makers, and that's who voted for a Muslim Communist. Well done, jackasses. What are you going to do when the taxpayers have been finally bled dry and your gibs stop?

And don't anyone try to claim that video "beez rayciss". - The guy who made it is BLACK.
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The number of people in America with an entitlement mentality is now so great that it was inevitable that Obama would be re-elected. - When more than 40% of the population are receiving some sort of welfare, it's obvious that the party that panders to them will always win.
Congratulations, Obama: you won by sucking up to the leeches and parasites who do nothing for society but have children who will also be leeches and parasites, or be crack dealers, pimps, muggers, robbers, burglars, thieves and murderers. (At least they generally only kill one another, so there's a silver lining in that cloud.)

Democrat policies have deliberately encouraged certain groups to be takers and not makers, and that's who voted for a Muslim Communist. Well done, jackasses. What are you going to do when the taxpayers have been finally bled dry and your gibs stop?

And don't anyone try to claim that video "beez rayciss". - The guy who made it is BLACK.

How's it trollin?
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I got this today. Just remember, you now OWN IT.

Congratulations to the Democrats and Young People! You now own it.

The next terrorist attack you own it.
Can't get a job after graduation, you own it.
Sky rocketing energy prices due to Obama's EPA shutting down the energy producing states, you own it.
A nuclear Iran, you own it.
Bowing to the Soviet Union, you own it.
Another severe recession, you own it.
A volatile border with Mexico, you own it.
Trouble getting good health care, you own it.
Higher heath insurance costs and health care costs, you own it.
No budget, you own it.
Our allies mistrust, you own it.
Another trillion of debt, you own it.
More Benghazi situations, you own it.
No one willing to join the military, you own it.
Trouble getting to loan to buy a home, you own it.
More dependency on food stamps, you own it.
Trouble finding good employment, you own it.
Several part time jobs instead of a good job, you own it.
A World Government, you own it.
The UN governing the United States instead of ourselves, you own it.
A Senate that will not bring any legislation to the table rather it is "Dead on Arrival", you own it.
China controlling our world trade trampling all over us, you own it.
Loss of our freedoms as we have known it in the past, you own it.
A dictatorship instead of a democracy that follows the Constituion, you own it.
Less take home pay and higher living costs, you own it.
Driving a car that looks like a toy, you own it.
More government corruption and lies, you own it.
More toleration of extreme and fanatical Islamists, you own it.
Terrorist attacks called work place incidents, you own it.
Your revenge instead of love of country, you own it.

President George Bush is out of it now, and there is not another good man for you to villify and lie about. In a way I am relieved that another good man will not be blamed when it was impossible to clean up this mess you voted for. Have a good day. God bless the United States! God is our hope now.

Absolutely...but the kool-aid drinkers that voted for him can't see the basic
logic and results of his poilicies. The Idoit-in-chief should be impeached solely for
Benghazi not re-elected. He sacrificed four American lives for his political career.
Then lied about it and continues to stall and cover up for weeks. At the very least
it is gross incompetence, then has the arrogance and audacity to look right at the
camera during the debat and say how offended he is that anyone would insinuate
anyone is his staff would make this political. OMG :banghead:

Guess he was right though....the American public is just that stupid and is more
concerned about their freeloading stuff that they can get their grandkids to pay for.
And that's not to mention the lengthly list of other failures. (I'll save it for another post)

It pains me greatly but I would no longer die or fight this country and those that do
and that have, do so for nothing. What are you fighting for...so we can borrow money
from China to pay for illegals to get free health care.....really.

The EPA will now be unleashed, gas and energy prices will now rise probably double
in the next couple of years (along with food and everything else).
If I were the Repulicans, I'd give him everything he asked for and show how
nonsensically stupid his crap is....tax increase...go for it. How many jobs does
this create...oh yeah...ZERO (actually a negative 700,000).
Factor in the cost of energy and whatever disposable income people still have is gone,
so places like best buy, your local Suzuki dealer, etc...is gone.
And lets throw in OdumberKare....you will see an unemployment rate like never before.

Another difference between then and now is many companies then had a cash reserve
giving them time to reorganize or try to weather out the crisis. Many of those cash
reserves are now gone and many companies are hanging on for dear life (I work for
one of those) when the second term shoe hits the floor, unemployement will rise so fast...

Ah...but it wont be Odumbers fault, we'll drink the kool-aid and blame something else.

These people don't even realize what they voted for...but they will.
We will now get the govt' we deserve...
I am not mad. But it just goes to show where the people really are and where the electoral college is. I JUST DON'T WANT TO HEAR WHINING AND CRYING ABOUT WHAT IS COMING NEXT. higher unemployment, higher gas prices, higher taxes on EVERYONE, 4 more years of band aids on problems, NO BUDGET, $20+ Trillion dollar deficit. A welfare country.

Election map 2012.jpg
I am not mad. But it just goes to show where the people really are and where the electoral college is. I JUST DON'T WANT TO HEAR WHINING AND CRYING ABOUT WHAT IS COMING NEXT. higher unemployment, higher gas prices, higher taxes on EVERYONE, 4 more years of band aids on problems, NO BUDGET, $20+ Trillion dollar deficit. A welfare country.

Absolutely...but the kool-aid drinkers that voted for him can't see the basic
logic and results of his poilicies. The Idoit-in-chief should be impeached solely for
Benghazi not re-elected. He sacrificed four American lives for his political career.
Then lied about it and continues to stall and cover up for weeks. At the very least
it is gross incompetence, then has the arrogance and audacity to look right at the
camera during the debat and say how offended he is that anyone would insinuate
anyone is his staff would make this political. OMG :banghead:

Guess he was right though....the American public is just that stupid and is more
concerned about their freeloading stuff that they can get their grandkids to pay for.
And that's not to mention the lengthly list of other failures. (I'll save it for another post)

It pains me greatly but I would no longer die or fight this country and those that do
and that have, do so for nothing. What are you fighting for...so we can borrow money
from China to pay for illegals to get free health care.....really.

The EPA will now be unleashed, gas and energy prices will now rise probably double
in the next couple of years (along with food and everything else).
If I were the Repulicans, I'd give him everything he asked for and show how
nonsensically stupid his crap is....tax increase...go for it. How many jobs does
this create...oh yeah...ZERO (actually a negative 700,000).
Factor in the cost of energy and whatever disposable income people still have is gone,
so places like best buy, your local Suzuki dealer, etc...is gone.
And lets throw in OdumberKare....you will see an unemployment rate like never before.

Another difference between then and now is many companies then had a cash reserve
giving them time to reorganize or try to weather out the crisis. Many of those cash
reserves are now gone and many companies are hanging on for dear life (I work for
one of those) when the second term shoe hits the floor, unemployement will rise so fast...

Ah...but it wont be Odumbers fault, we'll drink the kool-aid and blame something else.

These people don't even realize what they voted for...but they will.
We will now get the govt' we deserve...

This whole post makes me sad.
This whole strand started by the OP gloating.....I hate gloating. Humility is a rare and special strength.

BTW, I also hate sore losing and excuse making and further separating yourself from the pack because your point of view was in the minority.
This whole strand started by the OP gloating.....I hate gloating. Humility is a rare and special strength.

BTW, I also hate sore losing and excuse making and further separating yourself from the pack because your point of view was in the minority.

Ray, don't waste your time posting it doesn't change anyone's view, spend that time working on your ride, that's what I do.

Sent from my hayabusa!
Ray, don't waste your time posting it doesn't change anyone's view, spend that time working on your ride, that's what I do.

Sent from my hayabusa!

That's funny, you're right, it's just that it's so darn cold in the garage right now and I've already had 3 cups of coffee! Doyle
has anyone dredged up the threads like these from 4 years ago and fact check vs statements....see where we are vs where we predicted?
To all those crying about unemployment think about this.

How many companies have bankrupted over American Greed, Not Other countries taking the money?

How many companies found it better to move to other companies with cheaper cost cause americans were spending money there anyways?

How many times have you said you wouldn't do the work of another ethinic background cause of your high standards?

Stop blaming the president, he didn't make any of the above happen... the unemployment rate actually is pretty decent considering all that has transpired economicallly since the great depression.. Life is a washing machine,hope you make it through the spin cycle and all that you love comes through with you to dry out and live to get dirty again... It's a Life Cycle, get over yourselves, cause america moved on the next day..

Absolutely...but the kool-aid drinkers that voted for him can't see the basic
logic and results of his poilicies. The Idoit-in-chief should be impeached solely for
Benghazi not re-elected. He sacrificed four American lives for his political career.
Then lied about it and continues to stall and cover up for weeks.


Wow! My favorite useless contributor. What rock did you crawl back out from under...............