Obama-mccain issue comparison chart

I am struggling and living in a county marked by Forbes magazine as one of the top two worst places to live if you are looking for a job. Hmmmm. I am receiving no governmental assistance and will not take it. I am currently working a plan to get out of the situation I am in and will not take a government handout even though I would qualify. Give me less than 6 months and I will be back on my feet. It just pisses me off when Americans are so lazy that the expect the government to take care of them and complain about everything and why the man is keeping them down. Get off your azz and do something about it!!!!! Remember a certain president saying (and believe he was even a democrat) "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Well maybe if more Americans stopped asking for handouts, and wondering what either candidate was going to do for them, and what they might be able to do to help our country the outcome might be different than I assume it will be. I would vote democrat if someone could prove the Obama is going to help this country. I don't see that happening. Tell the American people what they want to hear and what you are going to do for them and they will vote you in even if you can't back your plan. I am almost positive he will win and it really scares me.
Fate, good on you but since the Clinton years we are a Society of "entitlements".

We are entitled to be carried by the Government if we need assistance.

Now, I found this very interesting.

Who Doesn't Pay Taxes

Scroll down to the very bottom and click on the "who paid" link.

Interesting huh?

I am struggling and living in a county marked by Forbes magazine as one of the top two worst places to live if you are looking for a job. Hmmmm. I am receiving no governmental assistance and will not take it. I am currently working a plan to get out of the situation I am in and will not take a government handout even though I would qualify. Give me less than 6 months and I will be back on my feet. It just pisses me off when Americans are so lazy that the expect the government to take care of them and complain about everything and why the man is keeping them down. Get off your azz and do something about it!!!!! Remember a certain president saying (and believe he was even a democrat) "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Well maybe if more Americans stopped asking for handouts, and wondering what either candidate was going to do for them, and what they might be able to do to help our country the outcome might be different than I assume it will be. I would vote democrat if someone could prove the Obama is going to help this country. I don't see that happening. Tell the American people what they want to hear and what you are going to do for them and they will vote you in even if you can't back your plan. I am almost positive he will win and it really scares me.

Lower taxes for 95% of earners. That puts more disposable income in their hands so they can go out and purchase thing creating demand. The demand they create will stimulate suppliers (business) to meet this demand by hiring more people and creating more jobs.

Recruit Teachers: Obama and Biden will create new Teacher Service Scholarships that will cover four years of undergraduate or two years of graduate teacher education, including high-quality alternative programs for mid-career recruits in exchange for teaching for at least four years in a high-need field or location.

Prepare Teachers: Obama and Biden will require all schools of education to be accredited. Obama and Biden will also create a voluntary national performance assessment so we can be sure that every new educator is trained and ready to walk into the classroom and start teaching effectively. Obama and Biden will also create Teacher Residency Programs that will supply 30,000 exceptionally well-prepared recruits to high-need schools.

Retain Teachers: To support our teachers, the Obama-Biden plan will expand mentoring programs that pair experienced teachers with new recruits. They will also provide incentives to give teachers paid common planning time so they can collaborate to share best practices.

Reward Teachers: Obama and Biden will promote new and innovative ways to increase teacher pay that are developed with teachers, not imposed on them. Districts will be able to design programs that reward accomplished educators who serve as a mentor to new teachers with a salary increase. Districts can reward teachers who work in underserved places like rural areas and inner cities. And if teachers consistently excel in the classroom, that work can be valued and rewarded as well.

You should go to the source and read for yourself.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Policy Issues
Fate, good on you but since the Clinton years we are a Society of "entitlements".

We are entitled to be carried by the Government if we need assistance.

Now, I found this very interesting.

Who Doesn't Pay Taxes

Scroll down to the very bottom and click on the "who paid" link.

Interesting huh?


That is GOOD. The top 10% pay 70% of the taxes. They Also have 70% of the wealth. They should pay that much.
That is GOOD. The top 10% pay 70% of the taxes. They Also have 70% of the wealth. They should pay that much.

The last time I looked America is a Democracy. If you work hard you are rewarded.


(name withheld, will call him Joe)

When Joe was a kid he came from an abusive family. Joe got into some trouble like most and decided a life change was needed.

Joe found a job and although he swept floors, Joe worked his way up in the Company by asking questions, working all he could and learning. Slowly Joe moved up the ranks in position and salary.

Yes, Joe had some tough times along the way but 21 years later he has a strong self taught trade, good salary, nice home, wonderful family. The American dream.

Joe earned it. Period/paragraph.

America at it's best if you ask me. His work is second to none. I know this personally and although we have never met, I love him like a Brother.

Joe has worked hard for his success. More than I will ever know. To increase Joe's taxes because he was successful and has a good income so as to help someone on the other side of town who followed a different path and chose to not work hard and provide he/she with a better life is absurd.

The last time I looked America is a Democracy. If you work hard you are rewarded.


(name withheld, will call him Joe)

When Joe was a kid he came from an abusive family. Joe got into some trouble like most and decided a life change was needed.

Joe found a job and although he swept floors, Joe worked his way up in the Company by asking questions, working all he could and learning. Slowly Joe moved up the ranks in position and salary.

Yes, Joe had some tough times along the way but 21 years later he has a strong self taught trade, good salary, nice home, wonderful family. The American dream.

Joe earned it. Period/paragraph.

America at it's best if you ask me. His work is second to none. I know this personally and although we have never met, I love him like a Brother.

Joe has worked hard for his success. More than I will ever know. To increase Joe's taxes because he was successful and has a good income so as to help someone on the other side of town who followed a different path and chose to not work hard and provide he/she with a better life is absurd.



A Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is held completely by the people under a free electoral system.

Therefore if the people "under a free electoral system" vote for a plan that fairly taxes individuals based upon their income and wealth that is an example of a democracy working the way it is supposed to.

A Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is held completely by the people under a free electoral system.

Therefore if the people "under a free electoral system" vote for a plan that fairly taxes individuals based upon their income and wealth that is an example of a democracy working the way it is supposed to.

Agree and "fairly" is not in the Obama plan.

neither candidate cares much about the poor unless they enlist in the armed forced which many do. But it Sen. Obama "appears' to be a little more sympathetic to the situation.

So here is the question. Is it the individuals fault that they are poor, or is the circumstances in which they live/born into?

Functional perspective says the poor do serve a purpose or they would cease to exist.
The last time I looked America is a Democracy. If you work hard you are rewarded.


(name withheld, will call him Joe)

When Joe was a kid he came from an abusive family. Joe got into some trouble like most and decided a life change was needed.

Joe found a job and although he swept floors, Joe worked his way up in the Company by asking questions, working all he could and learning. Slowly Joe moved up the ranks in position and salary.

Yes, Joe had some tough times along the way but 21 years later he has a strong self taught trade, good salary, nice home, wonderful family. The American dream.

Joe earned it. Period/paragraph.

America at it's best if you ask me. His work is second to none. I know this personally and although we have never met, I love him like a Brother.

Joe has worked hard for his success. More than I will ever know. To increase Joe's taxes because he was successful and has a good income so as to help someone on the other side of town who followed a different path and chose to not work hard and provide he/she with a better life is absurd.


ummm the ones paying 70% are also the ones that employ people like you and me so if they can't afford to hire the help they need then what does that do to employment?

If someone works hard, which most self employed business owners put in way more than 40 hours a week, (joe the plumber kind of guys). I worked from 6 am to sometimes 11 at night and sometimes had one day of which still seemed to involve work. When you figure out my income even though it was good at the end of the year, I made less than minumum wage.
You could make this point in the past but several things have come into play now. (IMO)

We have taken manufacturing out of this Country. Good paying jobs are scarce. Our trade agreements are not on an even keel thus we buy more overseas than overseas buys from us. Our Education System is in disarray and failing miserably. It's more of a daycare center than a learning institution. (here in AZ because I have talked to teachers) College is out of reach for most thus less educated for more low paying jobs.

Back in the day (my generation) there was one bread earner and Mom stayed at home raising the family. Blue Collar jobs were plenty and paid very well. Not that way now as it takes two to keep the income in check with the expense.

You could take it further with Health and Nutrition thus a rise in health issues due to the above. Fast Food, frozen dinners etc. Diabetes and over weight children are on the increase causing more weight on Social Progams.

I can remember breakfast at 7, lunch at noon and dinner at 5. If you were not there then fend for yourself. Now? You hungry? Go to McDonalds. I have to work my second job.

Medical is out of control. Between lobbyists, government (FDA) and Attorneys who knows where this will end.

We are being taught "lack of ethics, morals and standards" are acceptable today.

You killed him? Yes. Well, you need rehabilitated.

By shifting wealth the low income earners will only increase.

ok, not that this will happen but if we took ever unemplotment office and had a goverment based training program for jobs available in that community funded half by the companies and half by the governent, made it manditory to take these classes or the government hand outs stopped. Used some cash to start government funded day cares that would be free of charge for people on the programs. Paid assistance during the classes and then they were given a job at a lower pay scale on a 90 day trial period in which they were given child care for free and assistance financially. After that period the businesses were required to bring them up to a reasonable income. There would also be a regulation that all involved have been an American citizen for atleast one year prior. If someone did not take this program they must be emplayed within 90 days or all aid ends. If they were working a low income job, they were entitled to all aid along with child care as well as free education stated above when a job was available. This would benefit the government and us tax payers by allowing people to get off the programs now in place, would benefit the companies involved. The lower income they would pay for 90 days would pay for training and they would be open for major tax breaks for being involved in the programs, the person in the program would now have a career and be a productive member of society. The tax break would be incentive to keep those employees past the 90 day period. In my opinion, this would save billions in what we pay to have people sitting on their azzes collecting checks to not work. It would also keep businesses here at home and open companies to hiring more employees and producing more money, more us products, and more work.

just dreaming, just came to me as I was sitting here reading posts. Oh and disabled would be exempt and able to be on a special program, if able to work in some capacity, they could keep aid and income.
ummm the ones paying 70% are also the ones that employ people like you and me so if they can't afford to hire the help they need then what does that do to employment?

If someone works hard, which most self employed business owners put in way more than 40 hours a week, (joe the plumber kind of guys). I worked from 6 am to sometimes 11 at night and sometimes had one day of which still seemed to involve work. When you figure out my income even though it was good at the end of the year, I made less than minumum wage.

You're first paragraph is exactly the point. Good job!

Small business will pass the increase on to you creating weakening dollar, layoff or close the doors. Does anyone think these expenses will not be passed on?

Does fuel surcharge ring a bell.

ok, not that this will happen but if we took ever unemplotment office and had a goverment based training program for jobs available in that community funded half by the companies and half by the governent, made it manditory to take these classes or the government hand outs stopped. Used some cash to start government funded day cares that would be free of charge for people on the programs. Paid assistance during the classes and then they were given a job at a lower pay scale on a 90 day trial period in which they were given child care for free and assistance financially. After that period the businesses were required to bring them up to a reasonable income. There would also be a regulation that all involved have been an American citizen for atleast one year prior. If someone did not take this program they must be emplayed within 90 days or all aid ends. If they were working a low income job, they were entitled to all aid along with child care as well as free education stated above when a job was available. This would benefit the government and us tax payers by allowing people to get off the programs now in place, would benefit the companies involved. The lower income they would pay for 90 days would pay for training and they would be open for major tax breaks for being involved in the programs, the person in the program would now have a career and be a productive member of society. The tax break would be incentive to keep those employees past the 90 day period. In my opinion, this would save billions in what we pay to have people sitting on their azzes collecting checks to not work. It would also keep businesses here at home and open companies to hiring more employees and producing more money, more us products, and more work.

Could you edit this into paragraphs?

Could you edit this into paragraphs?


??? Will try, was typing really fast while this was popping up in my head, not that it matters, no one would ever implement anything like this, make sense :laugh:

I am tired of seeing our welfare program as a free ride for people capable of working to live off of and also people that have not even applied to being granted citizenship.

Not that this will happen but if we took every unemplotment office and re designed the function and had a goverment based training program at each location for jobs available in that community funded half by the companies and half by the governent I feel we could turn the currnet programs around.

We could make it mandatory to take these classes or the government hand outs stopped.

Used some cash we are giving to banks through our taxes to start government funded day cares that would be free of charge for people on the programs.

Paid assistance during the classes and then they were given a job at a lower pay scale on a 90 day trial period in which they were given child care for free and assistance financially. After that period the businesses were required to bring them up to a reasonable income.

There would also be a regulation that all involved have been an American citizen for atleast one year prior.

If someone did not take this program they must be emplayed within 90 days or all aid ends. If they were working a low income job, they were entitled to all aid along with child care as well as free education stated above when a job was available.

This would benefit the government and us tax payers by allowing people to get off the programs now in place, would benefit the companies involved. The lower income they would pay for 90 days would pay for training and they would be open for major tax breaks for being involved in the programs, the person in the program would now have a career and be a productive member of society. The tax break would be incentive to keep those employees past the 90 day period. In my opinion, this would save billions in what we pay to have people sitting on their azzes collecting checks to not work. It would also keep businesses here at home and open companies to hiring more employees and producing more money, more us products, and more work.

just dreaming, just came to me as I was sitting here reading posts. Oh and disabled would be exempt and able to be on a special program, if able to work in some capacity, they could keep aid and income.
I am tired of seeing our welfare program as a free ride for people capable of working to live off of and also people that have not even applied to being granted citizenship.

Already happening.

Not that this will happen but if we took every unemplotment office and re designed the function and had a goverment based training program at each location for jobs available in that community funded half by the companies and half by the governent I feel we could turn the currnet programs around.

We could make it mandatory to take these classes or the government hand outs stopped.

You need skilled work first. Ordering a hambuger might change however. (lord knows I can't get one made right) Those sitting on thier azz will continue doing so. Remember, there entitled.

Used some cash we are giving to banks through our taxes to start government funded day cares that would be free of charge for people on the programs.

Paid assistance during the classes and then they were given a job at a lower pay scale on a 90 day trial period in which they were given child care for free and assistance financially. After that period the businesses were required to bring them up to a reasonable income.

A form of welfare as most would just flunk out and continue on welfare. Buisness should not be required to do anything. The employee needs to bring he/she up the ranks.

There would also be a regulation that all involved have been an American citizen for atl east one year prior.

Good point. No agrument here.

This would benefit the government and us tax payers by allowing people to get off the programs now in place, would benefit the companies involved. The lower income they would pay for 90 days would pay for training and they would be open for major tax breaks for being involved in the programs, the person in the program would now have a career and be a productive member of society. The tax break would be incentive to keep those employees past the 90 day period. In my opinion, this would save billions in what we pay to have people sitting on their azzes collecting checks to not work. It would also keep businesses here at home and open companies to hiring more employees and producing more money, more us products, and more work

Great points however if the other side comes into play ie: more tax on small buisness, the opposite will occur.

This leads us back to the first paragraph. :)

I am tired of seeing our welfare program as a free ride for people capable of working to live off of and also people that have not even applied to being granted citizenship.

ummm the ones paying 70% are also the ones that employ people like you and me so if they can't afford to hire the help they need then what does that do to employment?

If someone works hard, which most self employed business owners put in way more than 40 hours a week, (joe the plumber kind of guys). I worked from 6 am to sometimes 11 at night and sometimes had one day of which still seemed to involve work. When you figure out my income even though it was good at the end of the year, I made less than minumum wage.

Then you would not get a pay increase.

However if there were a greater demand for your services based on individuals having more disposal income would you not need to hire more workers to meet that demand?
I am tired of seeing our welfare program as a free ride for people capable of working to live off of and also people that have not even applied to being granted citizenship.

Already happening.

Not that this will happen but if we took every unemplotment office and re designed the function and had a goverment based training program at each location for jobs available in that community funded half by the companies and half by the governent I feel we could turn the currnet programs around.

We could make it mandatory to take these classes or the government hand outs stopped.

You need skilled work first. Ordering a hambuger might change however. (lord knows I can't get one made right) Those sitting on thier azz will continue doing so. Remember, there entitled.

Used some cash we are giving to banks through our taxes to start government funded day cares that would be free of charge for people on the programs.

Paid assistance during the classes and then they were given a job at a lower pay scale on a 90 day trial period in which they were given child care for free and assistance financially. After that period the businesses were required to bring them up to a reasonable income.

A form of welfare as most would just flunk out and continue on welfare. Buisness should not be required to do anything. The employee needs to bring he/she up the ranks.

There would also be a regulation that all involved have been an American citizen for atl east one year prior.

Good point. No agrument here.

This would benefit the government and us tax payers by allowing people to get off the programs now in place, would benefit the companies involved. The lower income they would pay for 90 days would pay for training and they would be open for major tax breaks for being involved in the programs, the person in the program would now have a career and be a productive member of society. The tax break would be incentive to keep those employees past the 90 day period. In my opinion, this would save billions in what we pay to have people sitting on their azzes collecting checks to not work. It would also keep businesses here at home and open companies to hiring more employees and producing more money, more us products, and more work

Great points however if the other side comes into play ie: more tax on small buisness, the opposite will occur.

This leads us back to the first paragraph. :)

I am tired of seeing our welfare program as a free ride for people capable of working to live off of and also people that have not even applied to being granted citizenship.


More commentary from fantasyland....