Do yourself a favor and do a search for Barry Soetoro then come back and post. Do a search on Youtube for Barry Soetoro and watch a couple of videos..
He is just spouting the same-same Democratic junk as always. TAX the Rich. Unfortunately, Rich to them is $250,000 and above, which in many parts of this Country is VERY MIDDLE CLASS. So, if $250,000 is RICH, then what is an Athlete making $10 million and above, or Actors, or Politicians (OH YEAH they exempt themselves), or "OH" whatever. And McCains 5 Million answer, well, to alot of people, $5,000,000 is NOT very much money. Look at Bill Clinton, he's Paid $18,000,000 per year by the Banks of Saudi and Kuwait, but Daddy Bush gets the same. Why do you think several years ago those two when on an Asian Tour together ??? They sure didn't go to check out the Golf Courses
I don't really wanna see Obama or McCain in there, but if you vote for McCain your basically voting for another George Bush.
I probably shouldn't waste my time with this post, since I'm not trying to sway anyone to my choice; frankly I can't decide. In my opinion the best choice didn't make it this far.
In regards to the above quote, I do think McCain would do better than Mr Bush. I think Mr Bush is a relatively honest and caring person for a rich oil man, who was horrified at the 9/11 carnage and had to take action. Unfortunately, he is not extremely intelligent and trusted close advisers who were self serving power mongers if not outright criminals.
I've known of McCain for many years, since I'm 50 and from Arizona. He is a good man who speaks his mind and is not afraid to act, but I'm concerned he's mortgaged himself to large money interests just to get this far. Also, a military man will in most cases be looking for a military solution, but I'm hoping he will temper that a little since he'll soon have two of his sons fighting this war.
I try to keep an open mind about Obama. I don't believe he is a 'socialist'. I think like most really smart people, he has tried to remain open and learn what he could from people who think differently than the accepted norm in our country. I think he has seen first hand the struggles of the poor and thinks we can do better in the finest nation in the world. His change message resonates with a lot of people who are unhappy with our current situation. Of course he will have a hard time actually accomplishing anything with his lack of experience with the inner workings of Washington. Take 600 people from every state trying to look out for their own best interests and get them to agree on anything. Every vote is bought, traded, sold and resold. I actually think Obama's VP choice may be a good one. Biden is experienced and will be less biased as a VP than otherwise. He would definately make a better VP than president. By that I mean he is a better knowledge resource than decision maker.
To finish, I guess I should make some token comment about taxes. I don't agree with anyone who supports less taxes at any cost. We need to be financially responsible as individuals and as a country. Anyone who bought a $500K house on a $50K salary with zero down is not being responsible and I don't believe I should have to bail them out. The fact that the house was really only worth $250K only makes it worse. Laws changed, money was too easy to get, and with a booming housing market, lenders were hoping we would default so they could make even more off the ex-home owner. What happened to 3-5 years on the job, 15-20% down, and references before a loan was made. But our country is even worse - we sell whatever we still have to our countries worst enemys, give tax breaks to companies who send jobs out of the country and talk about the world economy.
Guys, I don't care what side of this question you are on, we have to make a good choice and then make if work or we're in trouble. Wish us luck!