Obamas signature tax credit - what a joke

Can't we just all get along ..................


Let's kick the illegals in the azz & make them pay their taxes, maybe that would help right the unbalanced tax boat.

I pay too much in taxes as it is. I did under Daddy Bush, Clinton, Baby Bush, & now Obama .............. Right/Left, Conservative/Liberal ............... Let me keep more of MY money and start getting Pedro & them to assume their proper share of the fuggin load.

If you work here, live here, & participate in things funded by the government, pay your taxes & I will pay mine (which would be less if SOME people paid theirs).

I'm just saying, though .................

Because people in low paying jobs pay so much in taxes right? Unless you are talking about sales tax, how do they get out of paying that one? I'd like to know because I am sick of paying sales tax.

Truthfully I have no problem with your proposal. Make them all legal taxpaying citizens and their employeers should pay their share of taxes as well.

I actually think this is a fantastic idea. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the edits. :thumbsup:[/I]
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They should eat it, but we are probably following their master plan to the T anyway~!~