Oct 10th 3rd Annual Caps Meet n Greet

He can't dance like James and Pepper though.:laugh:

This is the updated list as I know it... Anymore changes I need to make? Anyone planning to come that I don't have on the list?

Who Arriving Sleeping Departing
Twotonevert x2 Friday Afternoon Newcastle Motel Sunday afternoon
BlueHaya x2 Friday Afternoon Newcastle Motel Sunday
Vannwray x2 Friday 2-3 Newcaslte Motel Sunday
Scar Thurs evening Caps front yard Monday
Pinky Winky Friday 7ish Caps house Sun
thapp Friday ?? Caps House Sun
DEMMYM Sat afternoon Caps House Sun
HRHDI & Dan Friday Afternoon Newcastle Motel Sun
KSwaterbug / Beth

Locals that should be here:

Uncle Steve / Spouse
Professor / Spouse
Noodles!!! hope ya make it !! how is the bike doing?

ya, it would be nice...
bike is still in pieces in the back of the van, the isurance is draggin this to the ground(been kinda bummed out about that)havent been postin in as much since ,sorry.
Okay so we have just about everything in place, food is purchased, the weather is clearing up, house is clean and we just got off the phone with the animal shelter and they will be here with all the animals that need homes :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Looking forward to seeing you!
I still need your address.... I forgot how to get there from last year. And I don't want to end up at the OU campus.:laugh:
Diana has to go to the hospital at 10AM for her test which will last an hour and a half to 2 hours, then we will come home and should be on the road between 1 and 2PM.

Captain, we will need your address as well.

think beth is riding down with me in fri i should be in wichita on the turnpike by 9:30
We are going to still try and be there also, but we may just drive the car and not bring the bike if Marie is still feeling bad. :thumbsup:
We still got reservations so we should be there one way or the other. :beerchug:
Friday will be cool and wet in the morning but the rain should stop in the afternoon.... Cool in the evening..

Sat is high of 59 and dry (so far)....

