Office Pics...  Right Now, Hows your Office look?

(nerfboy @ Feb. 02 2007,12:50) Revlis, so you work for the Barn.
If I drop your name when I'm there can I get a discount?

Dood, I cannot even get a decent discount.

No cameras (or cell phones) permitted at the job.

It's the normal cube farm though.
I can be found about 3/4s of the way down the hanger working on a MD88.

JW I have been were you are at but now I am the one who signs the license for these things. God help me.
No pics, just go down to the local Ford dealership and sit in a crown vic. Now imagine 50% of your view blocked by electronics. Oh, bucket seats, no center console, just more electronics. And I spend 90% of my day looking out the office windows.
Magic 8 ball make so many decisions for me in my life it's not even funny...

Great Pics folks. That shot of the Factory floor gives me flashbacks though, looks a lot like where I spent a couple years building these freaking huge cabinets....
DOOD! IS that not one of the coolest jobs ever? Hell Wasn't driving a train one of those little kid dreams? Nice...