Just fitted my manual tensioner, not as easy as everyone says, but close!!!
No more rattles, no more rough idle, nice quick throttle response, no funny noise under low rev loads, and all for £40 quid!!!! and no more sleepless nights worrying!
And, stock one?? well, it has 1/2 " free play in the end before spring thing kicks in, and if you push the plunger, for some reason, every 4th push it goes right the way in, JUST BY HAND!!!!
thank god its out. Its staying out.
Must go and celebrate
Nuts ))
No more rattles, no more rough idle, nice quick throttle response, no funny noise under low rev loads, and all for £40 quid!!!! and no more sleepless nights worrying!
And, stock one?? well, it has 1/2 " free play in the end before spring thing kicks in, and if you push the plunger, for some reason, every 4th push it goes right the way in, JUST BY HAND!!!!
thank god its out. Its staying out.
Must go and celebrate
Nuts ))