SJBUSA, try Mobil 1,you will think you put in a different transmission. I havent got a reply why I shouldnt use synthetics during break-in yet, you may want to wait till johnnycheese answers. I have an oil test in front of me. The oils tested were Mobil 1 15-50,Castrol Syntec,Castrol GTX, Honda HP4,and Spectro 4. The test bike was an 84 Honda V65 Sabre, oils sampled at 0,800,1500 miles and the Mobil 1 tested at 2500 miles because its VI drop was markedly less than the other oils.[VI is viscosity index] Test was over the course of 10,000 miles over 1 year, 70% city,30% freeway riding. Here are the results.
Relative Viscosity Retention
------- 0 mi--- 800 mi--- 1500--- mi 2500 mi
Mobil 1 100% 86.6% 83% 79.1 %
Syntec 100% 78.1% 74.5% not tested
GTX 100% 72.2% 68.0% " "
HP4 100% 69.2% 65.6% " "
4 100% 68.0% 63.9% " "
As you can see Mobil 1 15-50 [and this is the car oil, the motorcycle MX4T has a very expensive additive package specificly for high performance and racing motorcycles] is better at 2500 miles than any of the others are at 800 miles. The others get much worse as the milage goes up. At 1500 miles the others are at about half there VI Index. With modern machining techniques the rings in your busa are seated almost immediatly. More important are camshaft lobes,then bearings for break in. If someone has a good reason why not to run synthetics during break-in I will surely listen. I promise this, if you try Mobil 1 on your next oil change you wont believe how much better your bike shifts. Like a knife through hot butter!
[This message has been edited by WARBIRD (edited 04 July 2000).]
[This message has been edited by WARBIRD (edited 04 July 2000).]
[This message has been edited by WARBIRD (edited 04 July 2000).]