Oil level indicator

if you wait for the light come on before checking you oil....should really be allowed to own such a machine?

must be some big-3 mentality!
waiting for the idiot light was a joke lol. But dunno i have actually heard of someone trying to check it while it was on the kickstand , then freaking out and adding oil because the level indicator wasnt showing anything
But then again i guess everyone has had their moments of stupidity lol. like putting on the hump and forgeting to reattach the lock cable lol. took me awhile to get it back off but it was ok lol.
It's a little tough to see. I have to get on my hands and knees to get that low. It's just below the oil filler cap. Keep going down, you'll find it.

You got that right about hard to see. If I don't have someone hold the bike up while I'm looking, the glass would appear to be empty. Dumb design I think. They should have made it look full when it is while it is on the kickstand.
Am i the only one that thinks they need to come up with a better way to check oil level ,,Lets see take right hand hold right bar end balance bike straight up try to lean down holding bike upright and pget a peak at that little window at rear of motor Man what a pain..or am i doing it the hard way??? go figure
I use wheel stands but I see what your saying.
Yeah, but when you put it up on the rear stand aren't you letting the oil move to the front of the engine and away from the sight glass?
MAN-O-MAN. You all are doing it ALL wrong. 1. sit on the bike with it centered. 2. yell at your wife or girl friend to come help you 3. as she gets down on all fours to look at the sight glass, admire the view.  
well you are close:

I just ask her to check the oil, for instance: "while you're down there..."

Or, *she* can sit on the bike while *you* look at the oil level "While you are down there"  