Look at the back side (label) of all the different oils.
You should see the API "Donut".
Inside this circle, on the bottom half, you will see the words "energy conserving". If you see these words the oil is loaded with friction modifiers.
Some of the 10W-40 will say this and some will not.
If you go down to 10W-30, 5W-30, 5W-20, all of these weights will have these words.
All the name brand oils are now SM rated.
You can still find some of the SL rated oils, some of these will be and some will not be "energy conserving".
It has always been my recommendation to stay away from the "energy conserving" oils. Not that these oils would or would not hurt the clutch plates, but anything that can make a clutch plate more slick than regular motor oil cannot be good for the clutch plates.
This is more a precaution on my behalf than anything substantiated.
However, read the descriptions of what is considered to be heavy duty use of an engine. Then ask yourself does your bike fit these descriptions, and then read about the uses of the 15W-40 HDEO oils. See how many matches you get.
This is just a 1/2 cents worth.