they will be out by monday.. pending investigation....
some other hesadlines from the beutifull OAHU.
man kills 2 while driving intoxicated and under use of meth.. he is sorry so jugde didn't whant to hurt his future, he got 2 years provation
woman killed a 19 y/o and a 16 y/o also got provation, because she was under stress and mentally ill according to her lawyer she got 2 years provation. and out after charge as pending investigation
military guy gets hit by another driver, local, he persues the other driver, and cuts in from to stop him while calling 911, he gets charge with terroristic treathning and illigaly holding someone against their will, (in jail with out bail while pending investigation.
another driver calls police while his car is been stolen and follows his vehicle onto the freeway (h1) till police join the chase, the stolen vehicle driver was release on the spot for lack of evidence( he jump on the passenger seat when the car ran out of gas) and the owner was charge for obstruction of justice, car impounded and numerous violations like hit and run for hitting his own car to scare the driver, he serve 5 months and is in provation for anothe 19 months....
I love this island