Mayan Astrology, The Dresden Codex, Apocalypse Island and 2012

My objection to the "Apocalypse Island" show has nothing to do with the Mayan calendar or eschatology. It is simply the fact that there is no evidence of any humans on Robinson Crusoe Island before the Spanish got there and there is no evidence that those rocks were shaped by human hands. Even Jeff Salz who went with Jim Turner says this. Also, the 3400 mile journey from Guatemala to Robinson Crusoe Island and finding an unknown island more than 400 miles offshore is beyond amazing for Mayans in their canoes. Do see the comments of Simon Haberle, the archeologist who has worked on the Juan Fernandez Islands the most, at our Apocalypse Island website.
Thanks for sharing that Blanca. I don't have a telivision, so I'd have never known about it otherwise. Now, I'll be looking that one up to see if I can view it. :beerchug:
Thanks for sharing that Blanca. I don't have a telivision, so I'd have never known about it otherwise. Now, I'll be looking that one up to see if I can view it. :beerchug:

Your welcome .
Strange how this popped back up ?
Maybe it's destiny for it to hang around :laugh:
I don't believe anyone can predict the end of the world but, I do find all this doomsday stuff and ancient alien stuff pretty entertaining.
In 2013, we will be looking back and laughing, riding our 400hp Busas.
as a child i read Von Daniken's book, and it opened my mind to many alternate ideals of the origin of man and civilzation.

maybe we are the children of space travelers that were stranded here on this in Ron Moore's new Battlestar Galactica.

maybe we are a genetic experiment from aliens....looking to create a race of slaves, or just out of scientific research.

maybe we were here already and the aliens only gave us technology.

Von Daniken is a brilliant man, and a Christian, belive it or not. I'm a Christian man too, and I can belive when GOD said that his time is not our time. I belive in science and GOD. After all, He created us to be creators, that doesn't work by magic, there are reasons and they are explained by using science. Science isn't foolproof either, it's ever evolving. I belive in the big bang, and that all those billions of years took GOD 7 days.
These are just my opinions, but there are some interesting facts about Dec 21st 2012, the winter solstice.
On this date the planets in our solar system will come into perfect alignment, as they only do every 26,000 years, just like a 12 hour rotation of a clock.
The theory is that this may cause a differnce in gravity and many other forces, causing the earth to shift only 3 degrees upon it's axis. But that this small shift could cause the poles to shift, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and super storms. Who knows, but it is very interesting.
The year 2000 computer gliche is not an accurate comparison. It was only a threat that computers would crash because of the date error. Had they, none the less, it could have caused major problems on a global scale, but not triggered natural disasters.
There are also predictions of solar storms on the sun, greater than ones that occurred over 100 years ago. Those factual storms burned up telegraph lines and shut down the then highest form of technology. If they occur at that level only, it will still supposedly be enough to fry satelittes in orbit and electrical devices here on earth, with no quick fix. Hence, a global catastrophe.
Ionic bursts from the sun are also plausable, if this happens, we're all gone before we know it. Will any of this happen? No one knows. Whether or not one belives in GOD is irrelevant to the scientific facts supporting all of this.
I'm happy I belive in Him, because one of these days a global catastrophe will happen, that is a scientific fact as well, it is not if, but when. Will we live to see it? Who knows, we'll have to wait and see.
It seems the folks who don't belive in GOD are die hard belivers in science, but most of them want to disregard all of this.
As said, science is ever evolving and making educated guesses. either way, it's very interesting.
you all fail to remember that in the Movie Superman he flew against the direction of rotation of the earth to set time backwards...We can just restart time again if we need... granted I can't fly but my Busa sure as hell can.....hehehe.

LOL That's hilarious!

Supposed to be able to see the final solar eclipse line up with the Black Hole in the Dark Rift, xibalba - the underworld
Red circle depicts Black Hole in center.


A pic of it from JP Stanley looking deep into our own Galaxy.
Black area between starry lines is Dark Rift.


According to them the island is the only place in the western hemisphere (landwise) where you will be able to see it.
The Maya had no glass and no telescopes yet were able to chart things so deep in space we ourselves only discovered them 30 or so yrs ago.


Glad you pointed this out. Most people aren't aware of this. According to research and presentations, I've compiled the past two years in college coursework. The alignment of our galaxies's (Milky Way) equator with our sun is supposed to increase the output of solar flare activity, which is on an 11 year cycle. The overall claim isn't the end of the world; rather, some catastrophic event because of astronomical alignments.
On a side note we got 2012 the other night and watched it.
Saw it when it came out but 2nd time always sinks in more.

Just curious what you think.

Do you think if the Govt knows something they will tell us or keep it hidden 'to prevent anarchy' all the while making preparations to cover their own ?

I don't think the government is concealing anything not in our current age of interconnectedness.
I say the fat guy and the hot chick should be the next ones voted off Apocalypse Island.

If a lot of people buy into this ... can you even imagine the price tag for the 2013 ???busa??? since it will be out around OCT 2012:thumbsup::thumbsup:
If a lot of people buy into this ... can you even imagine the price tag for the 2013 ???busa??? since it will be out around OCT 2012:thumbsup::thumbsup:

No but I can imagine gold closing in on $2000 an ounce summer of 2012 !
Buy now it's a great investment mark my words !
No but I can imagine gold closing in on $2000 an ounce summer of 2012 !
Buy now it's a great investment mark my words !

You got that right!!!:laugh:

The rest? I think Albert Einstein discovered some stuff through his research which changed the world forever. Mankind will be here for a long, long, time and may even establish presence somewhere else in the next few centuries.
maybe the guy who wrote the calendar died after he wrote down 2012.

I asked my professor about this end of world date a while back and that is his exact answer. "Only a few writings survived and this calandar to 2012 was one." He said it would be no different than someone in the future finding your desk calandar that goes up to, say-2020. Then someone finds it and sees it only goes to 2020-INTERPRETS IT TO be the end of the world...
That could be.
Everyday the Mayan carved a year into the stone and the night after he carved 2012 he had a heart attack and died :)
Thank you for posting this... very interesting

I have been researching this and other related topics for the past few years.

There's so much evidence and mystery of our past and origin

... yet most of us cling to ideas and beliefs which have no evidence at all ....