I think we have a very limited understanding of what technology really is. We think it's metal and PC circuits but there are many other forms of technology and i do believe that other cultures have maxamized these other technologies in the past. But seriously, if the world is gonna end in a couple weeks Blanca can I borrow your busa?
Whoever built the Pyramids didn't need computers.......or did they

Whoever built Machu Picchu didn't need computers......or did they

Lines of Nazca, teotihuacan and the list goes on.
Modern science is scared to admit that all our supercomputers and brainiacs still cannot explain the above.
Take Machu Picchu for example. How did people with no trees to make rollers from, no wheels to carry things on carve perfectly square huge boulders and get them up the side of a mountain only to lay them so close together that not even a piece of paper can slip in between them?
Ancient legend tells us that the one in charge used 'vilmana' the power of the mind to move them.
Written records dictate this but nobody wants to admit it possible. There is one certain stone with a round cutout in where he was supposed to have placed his hand in to gain power to move these things. But again modern science dispels it as myth.
8,000 feet up.....
Anyone remember the movie 'Chariots of the Gods'?
Pictures of what appears to be a helmeted man sitting with feet on pedals controlling a space craft inside a Mayan pyramid in Palenque?
How would you explain this ancient drawing?
How would the Mayans have known to craft these unless they had seen them first hand?
Ancient Mayan Space Vehicle Reverse Engineered And They Flew!! | THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES
I believe our reliance upon technology to make us better has actually resulted in us being more stupid and using less of our brains. We rely on tech to get us thru. Perfect example is growing up I had memorized every phone number of every person I knew. Now they are all just contacts in my phone and I don't think I can recite more than three or four of them.