OKBoys (Some Visit Pix)

Looks like a good time so far. :beerchug:

...hey?.....Dont you owe me a gratuitous drink pic?:laugh:
glad you had a good trip although i would watch who i was hanging out with while there, that is a rough looking crew :poke: :laugh:

He is just jealous cause you get see his "brothers" that live across the road from Cap!!!

Have a great "eeeeeeehaaaawww", uh I mean time!!!!! ;) :thumbsup:
I sure hope Cap and company took you to some good OKC barbecue, because they have the best bbq in the entire country, even better than Texas, and that's sayin' something. Burnt ends. I can honestly say that I have never had better barbecue than in Oklahoma City.
Well, Ajay...I did not have bbq while here. Guess I'll have to save that for the next visit... I'll be sure to put it on the schedule...:beerchug:

I did get some awesome Italian last night, though... Cap and Kristie (Mrs. Cap) took me and an industry friend of mine to dinner last night...

Here's a pic of Cap and Kristie in the hotel lobby last evening...

Cap & Kristie.jpg
Well, I just made it home from Oklahoma, having enjoyed three days of great friendship and sporting about town with some absolutely amazing people.

Special thanks to Doug (Cap), Kristie (Mrs. Cap), Steve (Uncle Steve), Mark (Mojo Magic), and Professor (Rick) for coming out en force to make me feel welcome.

Of all the stuff we got to do, just sitting and catching up with you guys (and getting to know you (better)) was the bomb. Your warm, welcoming hospitality is second to none. Further thanks go to Cap & Kristie for dinner last night (Joan had a blast, too and asked me to relay her gratitude), and to Mark and Steve for lunch today and the shuttle to the airport.

Seriously. You guys are the greatest. :love:

Thank you very, VERY much. I had a blast.

Your very welcome, thats how we were raised... You take care of the guest!

It's good to visit and lean more about the members of the site, it was my honor to have dinner with you....

Glad you made it home safe.

Glad to have you, looking forward to seeing you at a M&G in this part of the country.:thumbsup:
Tell him to step away from the cockpit door or I will have to take him down!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks sweetie!
