Oklahoma Highway Patrol Busas


there IS a quota and i dont pay police to catch speeders,i pay them to arrest dope dealers and child molesters.how do you think they rate patrolmen when it comes time for a pay increase?i have cops in my family and before they became detectives they had to climb the ladder just like you and i by being "good earners"i dont blame cops for doing the job,i just question why anyone would want to go around writing speeding tickets so they can ride a busa.maybe you should fully read my post before you get all bent!
Well sparky I am a COP!  ( 18 years and counting)I worked traffic Homicide for 12 years. I have worked over 300 Fatals, including Charlotte Hornets player Bobby Phils. I have had to go to over a 100 famlies homes and tell them that dad wont be home tonight.  That little Suzie wont need that college tuition because she is dead. I dont mind writing tickets because SPEED and Stupid drivers kill more people than drug dealers do!

Do I speed? Yep  Is it right? Nope Hypocritical, yeap.  I dont weave in and out of traffic and act like a squid. Do I top 100? no.  Have I ever? I will not comment.... If I get stopped, I will suffer a higher price than most. Do I Stop bikes? Yeap I usually give them a warning and talk bikes, if they havent been acting like a squid and doing 100 plus.

I have never had a Quota, I could always write as many tickets as I wanted.
If I ride with anyone from the board will I lecture them on speeding?  Nope. If they get to the point of Careless and reckless I will leave the pack and ride by myself.
well kweave,im from the northeast and they do things differently round here.as far as you being a cop....congratulations!that explains your thoughts on speeding.cops whip past me all the time doing a buck twenty then isee them a the mickey d's drive through half a mile up the road.your a cop,im a factory worker...get over yourself,and dont call me sparky!
You guys are getting a little touch-ie  
. Ya speed ( I mean speeding, you know what I'am talking about ) and get caught you should expect a ticket or maybe if lucky you get let off
? Me, my real speeding is at the track. I don't need some SUV pulling into me as I  pass while they're not looking  
. The law is the law, if you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime  
Actually I edited it.  It was Dickweed at first. I thought that was more appropriate than Shitface. I woulda gone with douchebag, but you ride a BUSA, so you cant be all bad.

P.S. Fucknuckle.

(1 BAD 2K @ Mar. 23 2007,13:23)
But my question is, Are they willing to push their busa's chasing some one 180+?? They had to use a Bell Helicopter a few years ago to catch a guy on a Busa doing 205mph.
I'd like to know which Bell helicopter can go 205 MPH...

I don't give a damn and think you all are full of shite. I've flown way too many hours for a certain department of public safety. There is NO reason to chase any squid with a patrol car with today's technology in Police surveillance. Sure, if your department doesn't have a nice A-Star 350 with a digital Westcam, I can understand. Let the squid go... chances are he will wind up in ER or the morgue sooner or later. If not, I can find him hours later if need be just by scanning for his digital signature from the sky.

Besides... who cares if we speed or not. It was said perfectly, if you act an idiot and the level is too much for you to stay, then go ride on your own. I like to blast but even I have my own limits to what I feel is safe... safe not only for me but for the cagers I am scaring the hell out of when I double or triple the speed at which I fly by.
wow kweave,you are really original...you think and act just like a cop.i bet you are a superstar on your police force.if you get satisfaction by calling me all those names...cool!i know im NONE of those things you called me.i was TRYING to keep this argument civilized and on that note you have just shown this entire board what kind of a person you are...please,dont say anything bad about my mother.
I think that kweave has shown the board that he has a good sense of humor. Why don't you do the same, tc?

Besides, you started the negativity and the namecalling in this thread yourself.

Lighten up Francis.
(Kweave @ Mar. 25 2007,18:16) Actually I edited it. It was Dickweed at first. I thought that was more appropriate than Shitface. I woulda gone with douchebag, but you ride a BUSA, so you cant be all bad.

P.S. Fucknuckle.
That has to be the funniest post I have seen in a while....


that "fuckknuckle" comment is TOPS in my book!!!

I am trying to get into LE myself. Just waiting for my probation to end or be terminated. Applying to CHP and WSP as my top 2 choices....then Sheriff Depts, then to the city pd's...

(Kweave @ Mar. 25 2007,18:16) Actually I edited it.  It was Dickweed at first. I thought that was more appropriate than Shitface. I woulda gone with douchebag, but you ride a BUSA, so you cant be all bad.

P.S. Fucknuckle.
Everyone in the office wants to know why I'm laughing my ars off!
(1 BAD 2K @ Mar. 23 2007,13:23)
But my question is, Are they willing to push their busa's chasing some one 180+?? They had to use a Bell Helicopter a few years ago to catch a guy on a Busa doing 205mph.
Was this around the same time with that cop in the airplane who made the bs stop watch/count the painted road markers estimate that a RC51 was doing 205mph?
if i may chime in a point...i know some cops there are good and there are bad....some out to do some good and bring home a paycheck...others in for the power...we all know there is a diffrence...just like garbage men...some do the job and go home...some throw your garbage can at your car and laugh....you get my point...there is evil everywhere and no occupation is excluded from it...its human nature...