Oklahoma Ride Pics to Stillwater

I have gloves that I sometimes where I have to admit that I never wore gear at all until I got the busa and now I wear helmet and a jacket almost all the time but I don't like gloves at all I don't feel like they give me the same grip that I like flame me or whatever if u want to I don't care u ride the way u want and ill do the same and yes I've been down before
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I had no idea there were so many org members/Busa riders in Oklahoma and surrounding states! I sure hope a whole pack of ya get out here to Reno for the STAMPEDE! There'll sure be a lot of fun to be had. Raydog (Doyle)

Hmmmmmmm Look again, I do wear gloves, There fingerless but they are on. On colder days I do have a full set.

I will say this though, Before I got them I had the same problem.

I admit that in the action pic of myself I was not wearing any gloves.
I always wear gloves and I had an extra set in the tank bag used for passengers that I later used,About a size or more to small for me.
I later found my gloves in my tool box in the garage. My hands only sweat bad in the summer. however I do think that all safe gear is a must. I've been down once at around 60 mph and hit once by a senior driver.
I still ride and still love it, So grip or no grip guys & gals wear your gear!

Thanks for the responses to my question, was curious what your experience is without them.

I have gloves that I sometimes where I have to admit that I never wore gear at all until I got the busa and now I wear helmet and a jacket almost all the time but I don't like gloves at all I don't feel like they give me the same grip that I like flame me or whatever if u want to I don't care u ride the way u want and ill do the same and yes I've been down before
Posted via Mobile Device

I wasn't flaming at all, I used to ride without a jacket doing stupid things on motorcycles that gives us all a bad name. Fortunately, I've matured in my riding without suffering the consequences of going down without gear.

In fact, the ONE day I did wear my jacket when I was stunting (at least 4 years ago) was the day a looped it and needed the jacket.

On a quick trip to the store I occasionally (once or twice a year) might not have my jacket on, but even then I still have gloves on because I just don't feel "right" riding without them.

Anyway, back the the Oklahoma ride thread, nice pics guys, looks like a great time. :thumbsup:
Hey guys! I am itching to hook up with yall some time and take a ride. How many of you would want to come down this way and ride Talamena with me? Only people I ride with are my best friend with a GSXR 1K, and my nephew with an 08 Ninja ZX6r. But have met a couple of guys around here since I got my Busa that I havent ridden with yet.

Great Pics. Looks like a blast. Friday, it is supposed to be 74 around here. Plan on getting some seat time.
Our email address is ssparks@allegiance.tv if any of you are getting this way. Look forward to meeting you guys.
Looks like you guys had fun, if I didnt have to work I would have been there with yoy in a heartbeat. I am looking forward to meeting up with some of you guys asap. I never have anyone to ride with.
Looks like you guys had fun, if I didnt have to work I would have been there with yoy in a heartbeat. I am looking forward to meeting up with some of you guys asap. I never have anyone to ride with.

Dude, you got us to ride with! :thumbsup: