On A serious note... Shaving.  Gentleman

forget getting together with me in a couple weeks REV........I wanna take Mrs. Rev out for drinks instead!

GREAT Review Rev!  I too worship at the feet of Gilette and their creation.  Have you tried those other brands??  MAN!  Oughta be a law.  Anyway, I wondered if the vibs were gimmicky or functional.  I have to check it out!  

Good call on the gel style too.  I concur!  You musta done the same research I did.  
  .... scouring the net for reviews....

As a side note, I still use the single bladed disposables on occasion or when traveling or desperate.... I ACCIDENTALLY discovered the CHEAPEST Store brand was the best I'd disposable I'd ever used!  It is the 'Target' brand single blade 12 for $1.15!!!  I bought some out of desperation once, and it shocked the crap out of me how good they were - compared to Shick, Gilette cheapos and everything!

Sorry, PAC, me no got time to boil milk before shaving... I usaully have about 10 minutes to shave and that's it!  Sounds interesting though!  Where did you come up with that?
I forgot where, JD...but I do remember reading it. It's supposed to makes things real nice and soft.

Try giving it a run on the weekend or something....you just may like it.
See, this is why I've enjoyed this board (albeit vicariously) so much over the past year!  The hilarity never stops!

On the subject of milk... women have historically taken milk baths to soften their skin.  Honey works very well also, but probably not so nice for shaving.  As an aside, "Le Petit Marseiliais" makes a very nice milk soap.  Softens beautifully and smells nice too.  It's kind of expensive, but it makes a nice gift for people who are into bathroom stuff.
See? What'd I tell ya?? Trust me guys...Pac knows shaving like Madden knows football!
I can't believe it, a thread about shaving. I'm with wwjd. I just use the cheap stuff. When it starts tearing out the whiskers, I use another. $2.00 lasts a long time.

Aaah, Kevin Kevin Kevin.....you will never know true bliss that way, my friend. Give in to the indulgence...and be liberated...and smooth!
You were right dude, went to walmart spent like $12 bucks and bam my face is a smooth as a babys bottom, doesn't even feel like I'm shaving.
But uh BBBS? Who was right?

We got me with the M3 Power

We got Mikey D with the Sensor (Poor Bastard)

Then of course we got Pac With milk and Honey and Teabags or something like that... I dunno...

It's hard to put a price on a good shave though. One thing I learned years ago though is that the electrics are just plain nasty and make a mess of you and your surroundings, don't shave close enough and generally hurt more than any blade... I tried Braun it did the job but sent whiskers flying and was kinda nasty. And do not get me started on the Freaking Norelco crap squirting goo!!!! Man, I may as well shave with a freaking Epilady with as much hair as that thing pulled...
But then again, I did grow a goat-T so I wouldn't have to try to shave my chin anymore... thats about the worst damn spot...

 But uh BBBS?  Who was right?  

We got me with the M3 Power

We got Mikey D with the Sensor  (Poor Bastard)

Then of course we got Pac With milk and Honey and Teabags or something like that...  I dunno...

It's hard to put a price on a good shave though.  One thing I learned years ago though is that the electrics are just plain nasty and make a mess of you and your surroundings, don't shave close enough and generally hurt more than any blade...  I tried Braun it did the job but sent whiskers flying and was kinda nasty.  And do not get me started on the Freaking Norelco crap squirting goo!!!!  Man, I may as well shave with a freaking Epilady with as much hair as that thing pulled...  
  But then again, I did grow a goat-T so I wouldn't have to try to shave my chin anymore...  thats about the worst damn spot...


Re: On A serious note... Shaving.  Gentleman

I realize im a noob here, and this topic is mad old..... But.... um ..... WOW. Milk and cream to shave the nads? And I thought I had too much time on my hands.:beerchug:
Re: On A serious note... Shaving.  Gentleman

??? Well done FNG... :laugh: Welcome.

Re: On A serious note... Shaving.  Gentleman

But seeing as you have raised it from the long dead, I'll provide an update...

EVEN MORE COMFY and smooth, is the new "Fusion" line of blades and powered vibratey handles. I know they keep adding goofy adjectives, but the vibrating razors do a great job of gliding across the skin, the surface tension is broken by the vibrations and the result is a smoother shave. Hell I'll even take the Fusion backwords up my neck to my chin directly against the grain and there is almost no irritation at all.

Combined with the Aveeno Shave Gel with collodial Oatmeal and we are even closer to shaving nirvana...

Smooth nick free and close.

Also DO NOT FORGET to take a hot wet washcloth and hold it to your whiskers for a few seconds 10-20 before you wet your face and apply the Gel, it really does do a better job of setting up your beard.

The Aveeno Gel I've been using for a long time and I am still with Gillete FTW. Their razors really do work better than anything I've found.

The Aveeno is awesome, my skin is blemish and bump free and I rarely if ever get that Burn after I shave.


aveeno shave gel.jpg
Re: On A serious note... Shaving.  Gentleman

Oh and an update on the "Art of Shaving Website" They now carry the "power" handles and they are very nice indeed. Quality heft, feel and properly manly... Got one for my bro...$150 Although I like the one with the stand... $250 hadn't seen that before.

