16/40 is 2.500 and 17/42 is 2.4705 so they are approximately the same except that 16/40 is just a pinch shorter geared than 17/42 (.9982). Since they are so close I would do 17/42 because it is much easier to change the rear sprocket, except that I hit the rev limiter in 3rd at LACR just before (60'?) the finish line of a good run with the 17/42 gears. And that is in bad DA. The problem is that the jump to 4th from third is a wide jump, so it does not pay to use 4th to pick up less than than 10 mph. So far I have gone the fastest using 3 gears.
For the moment I am attempting to ride the stock bike. Perhaps I will lower and strap it at some future point. But, I am still learning and I do ride the twisties quite a bit.
The 16/42 gears were too much for me since the front was coming up real easy, and, the bike actually feels better with the taller gears since I live in the wide open desert and speed limites are high and the roads long and straight and deserted.
BTW: Something happened today and all the brake fluid escaped from the clutch slave cylinder when I was putting the countershaft cover back on the bike. I must have bumped the piston and allowed it to twist in the cylinder since all the fluid ran out on my garage floor. I just about had a heart attack, but then, I pushed the piston back in and assembled everything and bled the clutch and all was good. I did not encounter this problem when I put the 16T countershaft on the bike, and I certainly did not squeeze the clutch lever, so it is strange, but, no harm done. Just another thing to be aware of.
For the moment I am attempting to ride the stock bike. Perhaps I will lower and strap it at some future point. But, I am still learning and I do ride the twisties quite a bit.
The 16/42 gears were too much for me since the front was coming up real easy, and, the bike actually feels better with the taller gears since I live in the wide open desert and speed limites are high and the roads long and straight and deserted.
BTW: Something happened today and all the brake fluid escaped from the clutch slave cylinder when I was putting the countershaft cover back on the bike. I must have bumped the piston and allowed it to twist in the cylinder since all the fluid ran out on my garage floor. I just about had a heart attack, but then, I pushed the piston back in and assembled everything and bled the clutch and all was good. I did not encounter this problem when I put the 16T countershaft on the bike, and I certainly did not squeeze the clutch lever, so it is strange, but, no harm done. Just another thing to be aware of.